Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hard to believe that this time last year we were in a hospital room with little Emmy. She was born at 11:46 am and is becoming so much more fun each day. She fits us perfectly! We had a family cookout to celebrate and it seemed like she knew she was center of focus.

Off to the bath...Emily seems to still feel the sugar in this pic
Aunt Melissa & Emmy
I love this picture of Emmy trying to walk.
Could she be more loved?
posted by Julie at 8:22 PM | 3 comments
For someone who barely has time to breathe, let alone see a movie. The stars just happen to line for me to see THREE MOVIES this week. On Girls Night this past Wednesday, we saw Sex & The City. It was hilarious. Of course, seeing it with Carter, Amanda, and Shanna made it funnier too. Friday night, Christian and I had a date night and saw Get Smart! I wasn't sure about seeing this one but it very pleasantly surprised me. Hilarious. Steve Carrell did a great job and the Rock is always hot to me, so that never hurts. Sunday afternoon, I finally got to take my mom to a movie for her mother's day gift. Thought we would never make that happen. We saw Indiana Jones and loved it. I thought Harrison Ford did a great job and loved the action, as usual.
posted by Julie at 8:19 PM | 0 comments
My niece, Leslie, and her 2 little girls: Alexia and Haylea were in town. We spent some good times with them. We went swimming at Aunt Shirley and Uncle Cal's house on Monday. Got some great pictures. Although, you can't see how frigid the water was. No wonder Aunt Shirley didn't even put on her bathing suit. ha ha!

Haylea & LeslieThey left to go back to Ohio on Saturday morning. So Friday afternoon, we drove over to spend more time with them. I think Seth loved seeing his second cousins (we figured out they are second cousins...think that's right???). Anyway, he fell right in both of them.

We hope you guys made it home safe! Leslie also gave me a mini crash course on camera! YEA!!!
posted by Julie at 8:09 PM | 3 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
During lunch, I took Seth to the barber for his much needed haircut! I told Joe to go shorter than normal to an almost buzz. This way it would last longer this summer and be much easier as he is always in the water right now. As soon as the barber showed him his new haircut in the mirror he got a huge smile and said "Wow. I look like Daddy!!!" ha ha ha! I guess a blonde version of daddy.

The look represents his protectiveness of his lollipop.
After all, he sat still through a buzz for it!

posted by Julie at 1:41 PM | 2 comments
Finally....we finished the last coat of paint last night. I was able to take down all the tape and hang my clock and picture back up. Now, I don't have pictures for the big wall yet but in time... Keep in mind that depending on the lighting, the walls may look a bit lighter or darker than they are. But for the most part, it is a good representation...especially the desk picture.
Here they are.

So this picture was taken March 19: BEFORE
This picture was taken today, June 24: AFTER
posted by Julie at 10:54 AM | 3 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I haven't taken pictures of the paint yet because we have one more coat with the roller to do. So there is still blue tape on the walls, etc. But I promise the pictures as soon as we get the walls done.

At the end of this week (Sunday), Emily will turn one. So I guess it is just appropriate to have some milestones this week. NO MORE FORMULA! She is now on all organic whole milk and she loves it!!! And we love not having to prepare formula EVERY night. YEA. And Saturday morning, Emmy took 3 steps towards Christian. She hasn't done it since but she stands up very well for a long time and can even dance while standing. So maybe Emmy Pitter-Patters are on the way. I cannot wait!
posted by Julie at 7:17 AM | 3 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Oh My....This weekend has been one for the books! I guess I will just start this out chronologically.

Friday painters came to paint the kitchen and master bathroom. I spent all last week buying tiny sample cans (5 or 6 different ones) trying to find that perfect color for the kitchen. Well, needless to say...what we picked wasn't it. The painters did a great job Friday and to look at the glass half-full, they did a great job taking care of our nasty country wallpaper. So at least the walls were ready for us to repaint with a correct color. I tried to let the wall color grow on me and it just looked worse and worse. So, Sunday Christian and I painted all day over the same walls that were painted Friday. :( But Christian picked the right is a shade of olive green and it looks great. I will post those pictures later as we are still not quite done. We are going to finish the last coat in a few minutes!!!

But Friday night, my parents pimped us out to help them host a fish fry retirement dinner for some friends of theirs. Angela watched Emmy for us and Seth was hanging out with my friends and their kiddies. That was his first playdate without me. THANK YOU CARTER AND SHANNA!!! He had a ball. Anyway, the fish fry went well and was awesome. Here are a few pics from that:
SATURDAY - We didn't have much on the ballot for Saturday...thankfully. So my friends, Omar and Jen, came over and brought GORGEOUS Sofia. She is now 8 months old and we hadn't seen her since she was a newborn. Time just gets by us and we hate that. Our new resolve: See them more often. They are a blast. So check out Sofia and some of Emmy in there too. I don't know how I forgot to get a pic of mom and dad with her. NEXT TIME!
So after Omar and Jen left, we (Ok, I) kept staring at the kitchen walls slowly drifting into depression. hee. So, I ran out to Lowes and found a few samples I liked, brought them home. VIOLA! Christian and I picked a color. OK, so Christian picked the winning color. But we found a medium olive green that we fell in love with. So from there, it was decided that we needed to go ahead and paint asap. The next few weekends are going to be busy between Emily turning one and Barbara turning 90! And then Christian working weekend duty after that with me possibly heading to Louisville (Date Undecided yet). So it had to be Sunday as paint day.

Stay Tuned!!! Paint Pictures coming soon!
posted by Julie at 8:57 PM | 1 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I need some help. Emmy is turning one next year. We have been calling her "LoveBug" since she was born. Seth has always been "SweetBug" and Emmy has always been "LoveBug"...couldn't tell you just fits them. So we thought it would be fun to use ladybugs to decorate for the family birthday cookout. Who would have thought that was uncommon? I can't seem to find anything ladybug anywhere. It seems that all the kids party things are all copyrighted cartoon characters now. You cannot find just generic children themes. Publix won't make a ladybug cake and do not know how to put a few ladybugs on the cake. I mean, really? You can't put some circle ladybugs on a freakin' cake!!! Anyway, Rhodes Bakery said they will do a ladybug themed cake so that's great. Party City doesn't have one thing in stock with a mere ladybug on it anywhere. Everything is Barbie, Dora, Winnie The Pooh, Cars, Diego.... aakkk! If anyone happens to see ladybug anything, call me and let me know what you find. In the meantime, I am just going to use red and white as the colors to decorate and be happy to have some ladybugs on the cake.

UPDATE (2 hrs later): Thanks to Marissa and Melissa...I have found some ladybug stuff on the internet. I love the pattern and have ordered (with expedited shipping) some plates, thank you notes, and cool red balloons with black dots on them. LOVE THOSE! Thank you guys!!!
posted by Julie at 7:44 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I don't really have much to post about so I thought I would post some good pics of Seth and Emmy playing with Hannah and Caitlyn (KK as we call her). And yep, she is a Carter Mini-Me.

Emmy & Hannah
KK works her signature move...Vogue!
posted by Julie at 8:03 PM | 3 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all our daddy's out there. We hope everyone had a great day. It was gorgeous outside!

We celebrated Saturday night with Christian's family at a great cuban place in Loganville. Yep, we thought that sounded strange, too. But Rey's Cuban Grill was delicious! Christian, Sunil, David, and Orlando went to see The Happening after dinner. As we've heard on the radio...not worth the money for the ticket, nor the gas money for that matter. Today, we had a cookout here with some old family friends my dad (and I) worked with at GE. As usual, very fun crowd and very easy! We wish we saw them more often but we all live so far apart.

Emily with Abuelo "Abo"
posted by Julie at 8:18 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I have always heard that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. I know one of the reasons is due to the multiple meanings for one word. For instance, Flour or Flower, There or Their or They're... It goes on. So I am seeing this with my 3 year old's ever expanding vocabulary. And by the way, he talks ALL THE TIME. Hmm, can't imagine where he gets that from. Anyhow, he is going to summer preschool twice a week right now. On Wednesday, they do 'water day' so I put sunscreen on him before he goes. I tell him "We have to put sunscreen on so you don't get burned." Now fast-forward a week or so. I am cooking dinner last night and was pulling something out of the oven when I jumped. He asked "What happened, Mommy?" I told him that I almost got burned by the oven because it is very hot. He quickly replied without hesitation handing me the baby Coppertone from the desk "Here mommy. You need sunscreen." And gee, why didn't I think of that. ha ha!
posted by Julie at 10:47 AM | 2 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
I can't say that I wasn't adequately warned by Melissa. We watched Semi Pro with Will Ferrell. Wow...that is up there on my top 3 brain-drooling flicks. Not only was it not funny, but it was sad seeing the stars line up to make cameos or appear in the film at all. I love Andre 3000 and was super excited to know he was in the movie, right up until I watched the movie. Embarrassing! Those of you who know me should know that I have a VERY low standard for comedies. I can find a ton of stupid, off-the-wall, and quirky films absolutely hilarious....this is not one of them.

But to spice up my are the many faces of Emmy!

Believe it or not, this is her kissy face! Pucker Up!
Here she is giving her...NO not "the baby finger", her backwards wave.
Best of all, she channels Sopranos - "Fuhgeddaboutit!"
posted by Julie at 9:20 PM | 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Who Cares If It's 95 Degrees Outside? When you're from the South, you can hack it, right? hmm...Or was it just wishful thinking? Saturday night we headed to Tribble Mill Park to picnic and playground with the Rectors. And yes, I did say the 95 degree heat. Frannie found us a shady spot and it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. Of course, we kept pouring water on Seth and Garrett's head to keep them cooled down. Their little cheeks would get all rosey when they played on the playground. We couldn't get over how big Garrett has gotten. He is not even 15 months old yet, but he was running around keeping up with Seth the whole time. With his dimples and curls, they are going to have to watch that one. :) We got a lot of good shots, so I uploaded most of them to dropshots. But here are a few!

Told you their cheeks were rosey
Happy Garrett
Daddy and his mini-me
Feelin' the Need for Speed
Our lousy attempt to get them in one shot
posted by Julie at 9:37 PM | 3 comments
We had a great visit with the Taylors yesterday. Brody is a doll! I couldn't get over his gorgeous blue eyes! And now I can see why Melissa's back is hurting her. He is 6 months old and trying to crawl. Here are some pics. (Notice Ellie in the background peering from the couch.)

Is Brody living up to his Elvis nickname?Emily has an audience as she drinks
posted by Julie at 4:36 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I haven't posted anything in awhile because I really haven't had much to post. Nothing real exciting going on lately. We seem like we are always short on time but long on things to do. We haven't exactly finished staining the deck but have all the main surface area done. Christian is trying to find time to finish Seth's play set - yep, 15 months so far on that project. But he has weekend duty this weekend, so it will need to wait another week, I suppose. We are still hoping to get our kitchen painted but that takes money that we just don't have right now either. Gotta loves these gas prices!!! I will say that telecommuting twice a week has helped on gas consumption a great deal. I wish everyone had a flexible boss to allow that. The production at home goes up immensely for me...less distraction at home. Well, my office isn't near the kitchen, so that helps on the lower distraction level. ha!

I do have an update on the Angel Twins. I received a note from their mom last week. They were able to get an appointment for Cathryn with the leading Niemann-Pick Disease expert in the US at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on Monday. They are really hoping for a miracle and you never know, stranger things have happened. I am not sure how the appt went, but I am sure it has to bring them peace of mind to see him.

And Father's Day is next weekend. I know exactly what Daddy is getting but haven't had the time to get it yet. Sigh. Again, that time thing creeps up. By the time I get home from work, it is time to give Emmy her snack (Lord knows we can't skip that), then get dinner prepped and ready. Then I have learned to get their food ready and on the table before getting them to the table...Emmy isn't very patient for her food. Christian usually gets home while we are eating. So then we have to clean up the kitchen and get both kids bathed and ready for bed. Then Emmy has to have her night formula...then it is bedtime routines for the two of them. Usually Christian takes one and I take one. 8 is the magic hour. So if there is energy left, Christian or I will do an errand or two after the kids are asleep. But most nights, we are too tired for that. So the errands are pushed back ANOTHER DAY. Hence why we don't seem to have time.
posted by Julie at 10:54 AM | 2 comments