Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I haven't taken pictures of the paint yet because we have one more coat with the roller to do. So there is still blue tape on the walls, etc. But I promise the pictures as soon as we get the walls done.

At the end of this week (Sunday), Emily will turn one. So I guess it is just appropriate to have some milestones this week. NO MORE FORMULA! She is now on all organic whole milk and she loves it!!! And we love not having to prepare formula EVERY night. YEA. And Saturday morning, Emmy took 3 steps towards Christian. She hasn't done it since but she stands up very well for a long time and can even dance while standing. So maybe Emmy Pitter-Patters are on the way. I cannot wait!
posted by Julie at 7:17 AM |


At June 24, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
Yay, Emily! I bet she will be walking in no time. Glad you decided to do the organic milk--just makes you feel like a better parent, doesn't it? haha!

At June 25, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Blogger Paula said........
I hate that I had no time to catch up with you yesterday!

All of these momentous events!! Emmy steps. No formula. Painting not once, but twice.


Can't wait to see pics of the paint job.

At June 25, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
I know that this has been a great week. Fisnished with the Kitchen and No Formula! I'm glad that you are going the Organic route with the Milk! Somehow, when we are out and about and he gets non-organic, I think that he knows the difference!