Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I haven't posted anything in awhile because I really haven't had much to post. Nothing real exciting going on lately. We seem like we are always short on time but long on things to do. We haven't exactly finished staining the deck but have all the main surface area done. Christian is trying to find time to finish Seth's play set - yep, 15 months so far on that project. But he has weekend duty this weekend, so it will need to wait another week, I suppose. We are still hoping to get our kitchen painted but that takes money that we just don't have right now either. Gotta loves these gas prices!!! I will say that telecommuting twice a week has helped on gas consumption a great deal. I wish everyone had a flexible boss to allow that. The production at home goes up immensely for me...less distraction at home. Well, my office isn't near the kitchen, so that helps on the lower distraction level. ha!

I do have an update on the Angel Twins. I received a note from their mom last week. They were able to get an appointment for Cathryn with the leading Niemann-Pick Disease expert in the US at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on Monday. They are really hoping for a miracle and you never know, stranger things have happened. I am not sure how the appt went, but I am sure it has to bring them peace of mind to see him.

And Father's Day is next weekend. I know exactly what Daddy is getting but haven't had the time to get it yet. Sigh. Again, that time thing creeps up. By the time I get home from work, it is time to give Emmy her snack (Lord knows we can't skip that), then get dinner prepped and ready. Then I have learned to get their food ready and on the table before getting them to the table...Emmy isn't very patient for her food. Christian usually gets home while we are eating. So then we have to clean up the kitchen and get both kids bathed and ready for bed. Then Emmy has to have her night formula...then it is bedtime routines for the two of them. Usually Christian takes one and I take one. 8 is the magic hour. So if there is energy left, Christian or I will do an errand or two after the kids are asleep. But most nights, we are too tired for that. So the errands are pushed back ANOTHER DAY. Hence why we don't seem to have time.
posted by Julie at 10:54 AM |


At June 4, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
Let me know when you get the whole "more time please" thing figured out. Well, if you do... I guess there will be no need to tell me because I will figure it out by all the MILLIONS you would be rolling in!

We need to find some of that time and get together... and the kiddos too! ;-)

At June 5, 2008 at 4:54 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Have two kids and can't find time? The mind boggles at how that happens. ;)

And I'm with you on the whole telecommuting thing. I'm about to start up my second day of the week. Thank goodness!

I counted yesterday and I had a 15-minute stretch where no one interrupted me. That was the longest all morning.