Sunday, June 15, 2008
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all our daddy's out there. We hope everyone had a great day. It was gorgeous outside!

We celebrated Saturday night with Christian's family at a great cuban place in Loganville. Yep, we thought that sounded strange, too. But Rey's Cuban Grill was delicious! Christian, Sunil, David, and Orlando went to see The Happening after dinner. As we've heard on the radio...not worth the money for the ticket, nor the gas money for that matter. Today, we had a cookout here with some old family friends my dad (and I) worked with at GE. As usual, very fun crowd and very easy! We wish we saw them more often but we all live so far apart.

Emily with Abuelo "Abo"
posted by Julie at 8:18 PM |


At June 15, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Is that an Austin and Ashley outfit? I think I've seen it before when shopping for Ella. How cute! I love the bright colors with her skin.