Sunday, June 29, 2008
My niece, Leslie, and her 2 little girls: Alexia and Haylea were in town. We spent some good times with them. We went swimming at Aunt Shirley and Uncle Cal's house on Monday. Got some great pictures. Although, you can't see how frigid the water was. No wonder Aunt Shirley didn't even put on her bathing suit. ha ha!

Haylea & LeslieThey left to go back to Ohio on Saturday morning. So Friday afternoon, we drove over to spend more time with them. I think Seth loved seeing his second cousins (we figured out they are second cousins...think that's right???). Anyway, he fell right in both of them.

We hope you guys made it home safe! Leslie also gave me a mini crash course on camera! YEA!!!
posted by Julie at 8:09 PM |


At June 30, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
What a bunch of cuties! That cousin stuff is confusing! They're either second cousins, or first cousins-once removed. Whatever that means!! ha!

At June 30, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Dang. You can see the family resemblance. Wild!

As for the relationship issue? I Googled and found the following chart:

At June 30, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Blogger Julie said........
Wow, according to this chart...Marissa is right. Seth and Alexia/Haylea are first-cousins once removed. Since Leslie is Seth/Emily's first cousin. But technically, she is their half-first cousin since her father, Michael, is my half-brother. So I guess, they would be half-first cousins once removed. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.... the end of the day, family is family to me. cousins are cousins...