Sunday, June 22, 2008
Oh My....This weekend has been one for the books! I guess I will just start this out chronologically.

Friday painters came to paint the kitchen and master bathroom. I spent all last week buying tiny sample cans (5 or 6 different ones) trying to find that perfect color for the kitchen. Well, needless to say...what we picked wasn't it. The painters did a great job Friday and to look at the glass half-full, they did a great job taking care of our nasty country wallpaper. So at least the walls were ready for us to repaint with a correct color. I tried to let the wall color grow on me and it just looked worse and worse. So, Sunday Christian and I painted all day over the same walls that were painted Friday. :( But Christian picked the right is a shade of olive green and it looks great. I will post those pictures later as we are still not quite done. We are going to finish the last coat in a few minutes!!!

But Friday night, my parents pimped us out to help them host a fish fry retirement dinner for some friends of theirs. Angela watched Emmy for us and Seth was hanging out with my friends and their kiddies. That was his first playdate without me. THANK YOU CARTER AND SHANNA!!! He had a ball. Anyway, the fish fry went well and was awesome. Here are a few pics from that:
SATURDAY - We didn't have much on the ballot for Saturday...thankfully. So my friends, Omar and Jen, came over and brought GORGEOUS Sofia. She is now 8 months old and we hadn't seen her since she was a newborn. Time just gets by us and we hate that. Our new resolve: See them more often. They are a blast. So check out Sofia and some of Emmy in there too. I don't know how I forgot to get a pic of mom and dad with her. NEXT TIME!
So after Omar and Jen left, we (Ok, I) kept staring at the kitchen walls slowly drifting into depression. hee. So, I ran out to Lowes and found a few samples I liked, brought them home. VIOLA! Christian and I picked a color. OK, so Christian picked the winning color. But we found a medium olive green that we fell in love with. So from there, it was decided that we needed to go ahead and paint asap. The next few weekends are going to be busy between Emily turning one and Barbara turning 90! And then Christian working weekend duty after that with me possibly heading to Louisville (Date Undecided yet). So it had to be Sunday as paint day.

Stay Tuned!!! Paint Pictures coming soon!
posted by Julie at 8:57 PM |


At June 25, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Blogger jms said........
Sofia is beautiful! How are Omar and Jen? Sofia and Emmy almost look like they could be sisters = ) But, I know it's just the dark hair and their size = )