Sunday, September 28, 2008
As I mentioned before, Seth is on a soccer team this year - The Baby Jaguars. I finally had a chance to take some pictures. This may sound easy but since Seth doesn't exactly want to stay on the field and play...the chances are limited for photography. The season only has one more game that we can we are a bit thankful as we don't think Seth really likes it right now. I think he needs another year or two before he can handle the competition part.
But here are some pics of Saturday's game.

Seth's attention span after a goal was scored is starting to waiver
As you can see, he's very thrilled to be lining up for another go at it
Stuart and his son, Matthew...Discussing strategy? hee
Must have worked because Matthew scored a ton, again!
Seth and AJ were on the sidelines cheering on the others at this point
Ryan and Matthew about to score

...And here comes Seth behind them watching to make sure Pop was smiling. ha ha ha!
Yep, we had to bribe him with Pop's approval to get back on the field. OOPS.

posted by Julie at 2:31 PM | 3 comments
I took a day off on Friday to take the kids to the zoo with Christian since he would be working all weekend. Lord knows that I can't let free tickets go to waste. I haven't been to the zoo since I was a kid and Willie B was still around. It looks about the same, only no Willie B but now there are pandas. I have to say the pandas were not a thrill. There was one panda that was asleep on his back on a tree looked passed out. Which is probably what prompted the teenagers behind us to begin making jokes about the dead panda much to Seth's horror. Yep, thank you teenagers!!! Anyway, he loved the elephant and the lions. The lions were hilarious. There was a daddy, mommy, and 3 baby lions. The mom had coaxed two babies off the top rock where the daddy was hanging out. The third baby was too scared and wouldn't come down. So the daddy's approach of roaring at it wasn't working but it sure did piss off mommy. She jumped up there to it's defense and started swatting at daddy and roaring back before picking the cub up in her mouth and helping her down. Hilarious!!! Some things are universal...lion or human. ha ha!!!

The standard daddy tourist pose
This is just after mama lion swatted the daddy

When did my son get big enough to do this stuff???
We are shameless!Public Health Nightmare
posted by Julie at 2:15 PM | 4 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday night was girls night. Poor Amanda couldn't find gas anywhere and wasn't able to hook up with us. We were going to see The Women but since Amanda couldn't make it and Shanna saw it with her a mom a few days prior...we opted for another movie. The only other one out that looked good was Burn After Reading. It was a quirky movie...but wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be. I don't want to say too much on here for those wanting to see it. But I will say that I typically do not like John Malkovich at all and he was hilarious in this. He did a great job, especially the opening scene. Other than that, not one I would recommend in the theater.

I have been ebay selling this week like a madwoman! I actually have 18 auctions listed right now. Crazy amounts of work for that. But hopefully, they will do well and I can always use the extra money. :)
posted by Julie at 8:45 AM | 4 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Today was a perfect day to hit Stone Mountain. We met up with Mike (aka Uncle Mike) and Melissa (aka Aunt Biss) for a picnic lunch. It was upper 60s or lower 70s and it felt awesome. We stayed from 11 until about 2:30. If Emmy could have hung we would have stayed longer. As it was, it was about an hour past naptime. Both of them were asleep by the time we got home.

Every boy must roll down a hill at some point.

So proud of himself after his roll

Gettin' jiggy with it

Can you spot Seth and Mike?

posted by Julie at 6:52 PM | 0 comments
Saturday was a big day...first was Seth's soccer game then our cookout for Christian's softball team then the UGA/Arizona State Game. Christian had to work part of the day so I couldn't take any pictures at the soccer game...too much on my plate with keeping him 'in' the game and keeping an eye on Emily. But here is a few pics from Saturday morning before the game:

Who knew a diaper box could be a race car?
And who knew a race car had a backseat?
Emmy tries to put her shoes on
Later we had some guys from the softball team and their families over for a cookout. What a great group. All the kids, even though the ages spanned from 15 mos to over 10, got along so well!

Emily was so sad she couldn't get down there with the bigger kids
Dogpile Alex
Seth's expression says it all...This kind of friendship is doomed already

A side note....Georgia won last night despite several horrible calls against us.
posted by Julie at 3:59 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I haven't blogged in about a week because things have been so busy. This past weekend, we hosted the UGA game at our house. We escaped out of Spurrier territory but a win is a win in my book. We met up with Josh, Frannie, and Garrett for a quick bite and Josh tells us that next summer he is going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with the men in his family! I couldn't believe it. How awesome. The men are following it up with a 5 day african safari....jealous? No, not me. I cannot wait to see video and pictures of that!!!

It's not a party until the police come!
Gary made it out to see everyone for the UGA game.

Seth had a soccer game on Saturday morning and he did pretty well. He lasted about 15 minutes of his 30 minute game before he wanted to stop. Then Christian and I convinced him to go back out on the field to "help his team." At this point, a steroid-taking bully of a 3 year old on the other team waits until the whistle blows and as Seth is about to kick the ball, he rears back and punches Seth in the gut. WHAT? I saw Seth crying and holding his belly but didn't realize what had happened until Christian told me. Who knew that could happen? Yep, there was no way we were getting Seth back on the field after that. Poor thing. ha ha! But our team (Baby Jaguars) did win...mainly because Matthew scored about 7 goals on his own. Go Matthew!

Sunday, we visited with Chris and Stephanie and met the new baby girl: Keltey Grace. She is beautiful. She looks the exact opposite of her older sister. Alexis has blonde hair and blue eyes and looks like Chris and Keltey has dark hair and dark eyes and seems to look like Stephanie. I forgot my camera Sunday so I have no pictures. Sorry.

Last night, we took Seth to the county fair. Kenny, Carter, and their girls were up there and Shanna met up with us with Matthew. The kid gang was complete! It was really cool because when Seth got out of the car this year and saw all the bright lights and rides, his eyes lit up. He really got excited and understood where he was! Definite change from last year. When we got there, it was perfect because Seth made the gang 4 so each of them had a riding buddy! They were so excited. We left Emily with Angela since she wouldn't be able to ride anything. Next year, she will have a ball though.

I couldn't get them all to look at once
Seth and Hannah on the big Frog
Seth and Matthew

Some random pictures from the last week or two:

Emmy has her determined look
They have started playing peekaboo and hide n seek all around the house.
This was while I was cooking dinner one night.
Saturday morning cartoons. This is the first time I have seen them like this!
Cracked me can't see it but Emmy is sitting indian-style. ha!
posted by Julie at 10:08 AM | 2 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
OK OK...I have been prodded a few times to do a "what I love about..." segment on the blog. I am not a greatly descriptive writer (as I know you can tell) but I will give it a try.


1. I love the way Seth has started answering my questions with "Yea. Sure. Of course."
2. I love that Emmy has her own view and own "spirit" about each situation.
Editor's Note: Dana would be proud!
3. I love that when Emmy wants you to pick her up, she holds her hands up towards you and says "baby"
4. I love that Christian is a cuddley daddy that lays on the floor so the kids can climb and hug on him.
5. I love hearing Seth giggle when his daddy plays with him. And on the other side, I love that I can make Emmy laugh out loud by kissing on her neck like only I can do.
6. I love the greeting Seth gives when I come home from work "Mommy, I glad you here!"
7. I love that Bo is so sweet and gentle that Emmy can lift his cheek and tap on his K9 tooth without him moving.
Editor's Note: No, I didn't let that continue and yes, we washed her up. But still sweet on Bo's part!
8. I love the way Seth wants to be the one to wake Emmy up and he runs to "make her smile."
9. I love that Seth and Emmy are now starting to play chase and giggle together as they play.
10. I love that Seth wants to take Emmy to school with him to "show his friends." ha!
11. And just a bonus one: I love that Emmy dances with her hips and has now started trying to snap her fingers with the beat! She cracks us up!

And just a funny story. I took the kids to church on Sunday and picked up my mom on the way there. I told Seth that we were picking Juju up on the way. So as we are leaving church to go home, Seth says "Mommy, are we picking Juju down now?" Opposite of picking up...get it? I said "No, we say 'dropping juju off'" A few minutes later after he thought on those words, he says "Mommy, we picking Juju off now?" ha ha ha! He was trying so hard to understand. I explained to him again that we are "dropping Juju off." He loves hanging out at my parents house and goes "Hey, I have an idea. Drop Seth off too." ha ha! So his wish was granted! I mean, how can I say no when he tried so hard to learn the verbage. ha ha ha!

Christian and I are very lucky to have the two sweet little ones we have. We laugh every day about the things they do or say. I know it would not be near as fun if I didn't have such a great husband to share it with. TE AMO!
posted by Julie at 7:35 AM | 3 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Seth had his first soccer game on Saturday morning! He did pretty well. Well, he stayed on the field during most of the game so that was a plus. He was able to dribble the ball down the field a bit, too. So we were excited. If you ask him, his favorite part was the cookies at the end. ha! Just like a 3 year old. So when my dad asked him later that day how the game went his IMMEDIATE response was "I got cookies after the game." ha ha!

Somewhere in the last week or so, Seth has learned about monsters. We heard him mention monsters a few times but I wasn't sure he was really saying that as we don't know how he knows that word at all. But the last two nights we have put him down to bed, he says "I scared of the monsters." So my best guess is that he learned it from someone at school. Lovely! Poor thing.

Emmy's big thing from the weekend....She says "Hola" and "Aqua" and "Milk" now. Although, milk sounds more like "ma" but she points to her cups and if you don't get moving, she will get on you about it, too. ha ha!

We saw Tropic Thunder on Friday night and it is hilarious!!! I think it is no secret that Tom Cruise gets on my last nerve but his character MADE this movie. He was unrecognizable and hysterical!
posted by Julie at 10:03 PM | 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Christian took Seth to his second day of preschool today. Today was the first day of the carpool line where you drive up and the teachers take the child out of the carseat for you and you pick them up the same way. So we were a bit nervous as to how Seth would react to a random person pulling him out of the car. Lucky for us, Mrs. Jodi (his teacher from last year) was the one who was waiting for him. YEA!!! Christian said he did so well and as he got out of the car he turned to Christian and said "Bye Daddy. You go to your house now." hee hee! He then grabbed his tote bag (all the kids have matching tote bags now) and slung it over his shoulder and said "Morning" to the other teachers there as he walked into the building. HOW CUTE!!! He is really getting so big. I love it.
posted by Julie at 10:09 AM | 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Today is Sam's birthday! :) Yep, five years older than me. Hee Hee. As he said on the phone "Just another workday." Enjoy your mexican and movie tonight.
posted by Julie at 10:55 AM | 2 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
These are some cute pictures of Bo playing Seth and Emmy last night. Poor Bo had been chasing the soccer ball for 20 minutes and he just can't last the way he used to. Hence, the tongue and worn out look. ha! Seth decided he would take a little rest on Bo towards the end as well. Luckily, he didn't move when I got the camera.

posted by Julie at 3:06 PM | 2 comments
Labor Day weekend is here and we can finally tell Fall is coming...College Football has arrived. Saturday was UGA vs Ga Southern for a great starting beat-down. We all met over at Kenny & Carter's for the game and to cookout. Sunday, we were in Peachtree City to see Mel and meet his wife, Tandy. She was very nice and it was so good to see Mel and Calvin. Seth hasn't stopped talking about pushing his cousin, Marshall, in the pool over and over. Thanks Marshall for being a good sport.

Christian & Stuart
Emmy spent the game flirting with Kenny
posted by Julie at 2:56 PM | 2 comments