Friday, September 5, 2008
Christian took Seth to his second day of preschool today. Today was the first day of the carpool line where you drive up and the teachers take the child out of the carseat for you and you pick them up the same way. So we were a bit nervous as to how Seth would react to a random person pulling him out of the car. Lucky for us, Mrs. Jodi (his teacher from last year) was the one who was waiting for him. YEA!!! Christian said he did so well and as he got out of the car he turned to Christian and said "Bye Daddy. You go to your house now." hee hee! He then grabbed his tote bag (all the kids have matching tote bags now) and slung it over his shoulder and said "Morning" to the other teachers there as he walked into the building. HOW CUTE!!! He is really getting so big. I love it.
posted by Julie at 10:09 AM |


At September 5, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
HOW SWEET! What a big boy.

At September 6, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Blogger Paula said........
He is becoming entirely too cute, this child. You might wish to pre-warn his teachers from now on. :)