Sunday, September 7, 2008
Seth had his first soccer game on Saturday morning! He did pretty well. Well, he stayed on the field during most of the game so that was a plus. He was able to dribble the ball down the field a bit, too. So we were excited. If you ask him, his favorite part was the cookies at the end. ha! Just like a 3 year old. So when my dad asked him later that day how the game went his IMMEDIATE response was "I got cookies after the game." ha ha!

Somewhere in the last week or so, Seth has learned about monsters. We heard him mention monsters a few times but I wasn't sure he was really saying that as we don't know how he knows that word at all. But the last two nights we have put him down to bed, he says "I scared of the monsters." So my best guess is that he learned it from someone at school. Lovely! Poor thing.

Emmy's big thing from the weekend....She says "Hola" and "Aqua" and "Milk" now. Although, milk sounds more like "ma" but she points to her cups and if you don't get moving, she will get on you about it, too. ha ha!

We saw Tropic Thunder on Friday night and it is hilarious!!! I think it is no secret that Tom Cruise gets on my last nerve but his character MADE this movie. He was unrecognizable and hysterical!
posted by Julie at 10:03 PM |