Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday was a big day...first was Seth's soccer game then our cookout for Christian's softball team then the UGA/Arizona State Game. Christian had to work part of the day so I couldn't take any pictures at the soccer game...too much on my plate with keeping him 'in' the game and keeping an eye on Emily. But here is a few pics from Saturday morning before the game:

Who knew a diaper box could be a race car?
And who knew a race car had a backseat?
Emmy tries to put her shoes on
Later we had some guys from the softball team and their families over for a cookout. What a great group. All the kids, even though the ages spanned from 15 mos to over 10, got along so well!

Emily was so sad she couldn't get down there with the bigger kids
Dogpile Alex
Seth's expression says it all...This kind of friendship is doomed already

A side note....Georgia won last night despite several horrible calls against us.
posted by Julie at 3:59 PM |


At September 21, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Blogger Paula said........
Oh my goodness! Look at Em's little curls!!!

And Seth. Dang. I am seeing a lot of Christian in him, lately.

At September 21, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Love the last pic of Seth!! How fun to have so many kids hanging out. Can't wait for Ella to play with her "cousins"!