Sunday, September 28, 2008
I took a day off on Friday to take the kids to the zoo with Christian since he would be working all weekend. Lord knows that I can't let free tickets go to waste. I haven't been to the zoo since I was a kid and Willie B was still around. It looks about the same, only no Willie B but now there are pandas. I have to say the pandas were not a thrill. There was one panda that was asleep on his back on a tree looked passed out. Which is probably what prompted the teenagers behind us to begin making jokes about the dead panda much to Seth's horror. Yep, thank you teenagers!!! Anyway, he loved the elephant and the lions. The lions were hilarious. There was a daddy, mommy, and 3 baby lions. The mom had coaxed two babies off the top rock where the daddy was hanging out. The third baby was too scared and wouldn't come down. So the daddy's approach of roaring at it wasn't working but it sure did piss off mommy. She jumped up there to it's defense and started swatting at daddy and roaring back before picking the cub up in her mouth and helping her down. Hilarious!!! Some things are universal...lion or human. ha ha!!!

The standard daddy tourist pose
This is just after mama lion swatted the daddy

When did my son get big enough to do this stuff???
We are shameless!Public Health Nightmare
posted by Julie at 2:15 PM |


At September 28, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Love the "public health nightmare"! haha. I have not been brave enough yet to let Ella touch the animals at our zoo. Once she's out of the constant hands-in-the-mouth phase! Great pics of the lions, too! I showed Ella.

At September 28, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Blogger Julie said........
Yep, that's the same reason you don't see Emily doing this. She puts her hands right to her mouth. She was in there but I didn't put her on the ground at all. ha ha! The zoo had a handwash station just outside the gate though which was nice for Seth...and us.

At September 29, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
OK, just looked at these again---is that one of those ID things on Seth's hand?

At September 29, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Blogger Julie said........
Man, you're good!! It is one our temporary tattoo things. We ordered ones that say "If Lost...Call and then both of our cell phones." We put it on him when we go places with lots of people like the zoo or the Braves Game. We told him how to show it to an adult if he can't find us. He understands but he got nervous I think. He goes "Where are you going, mommmy? You scare me." OOPS