Tuesday, September 9, 2008
OK OK...I have been prodded a few times to do a "what I love about..." segment on the blog. I am not a greatly descriptive writer (as I know you can tell) but I will give it a try.


1. I love the way Seth has started answering my questions with "Yea. Sure. Of course."
2. I love that Emmy has her own view and own "spirit" about each situation.
Editor's Note: Dana would be proud!
3. I love that when Emmy wants you to pick her up, she holds her hands up towards you and says "baby"
4. I love that Christian is a cuddley daddy that lays on the floor so the kids can climb and hug on him.
5. I love hearing Seth giggle when his daddy plays with him. And on the other side, I love that I can make Emmy laugh out loud by kissing on her neck like only I can do.
6. I love the greeting Seth gives when I come home from work "Mommy, I glad you here!"
7. I love that Bo is so sweet and gentle that Emmy can lift his cheek and tap on his K9 tooth without him moving.
Editor's Note: No, I didn't let that continue and yes, we washed her up. But still sweet on Bo's part!
8. I love the way Seth wants to be the one to wake Emmy up and he runs to "make her smile."
9. I love that Seth and Emmy are now starting to play chase and giggle together as they play.
10. I love that Seth wants to take Emmy to school with him to "show his friends." ha!
11. And just a bonus one: I love that Emmy dances with her hips and has now started trying to snap her fingers with the beat! She cracks us up!

And just a funny story. I took the kids to church on Sunday and picked up my mom on the way there. I told Seth that we were picking Juju up on the way. So as we are leaving church to go home, Seth says "Mommy, are we picking Juju down now?" Opposite of picking up...get it? I said "No, we say 'dropping juju off'" A few minutes later after he thought on those words, he says "Mommy, we picking Juju off now?" ha ha ha! He was trying so hard to understand. I explained to him again that we are "dropping Juju off." He loves hanging out at my parents house and goes "Hey, I have an idea. Drop Seth off too." ha ha! So his wish was granted! I mean, how can I say no when he tried so hard to learn the verbage. ha ha ha!

Christian and I are very lucky to have the two sweet little ones we have. We laugh every day about the things they do or say. I know it would not be near as fun if I didn't have such a great husband to share it with. TE AMO!
posted by Julie at 7:35 AM |


At September 9, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
You guys are a great family! I do a kissy thing in Ella's neck, too. I love her laugh when I do it! So sweet.

At September 10, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Blogger jms said........
Awwww . . . I should do 10 things! But I love your 10 things and I'm afraid they'd sound a lot like yours with the names changed (to protect the innocent) = )

At September 11, 2008 at 5:15 AM, Blogger Paula said........
You are very lucky. What a great family you have!