Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I haven't blogged in about a week because things have been so busy. This past weekend, we hosted the UGA game at our house. We escaped out of Spurrier territory but a win is a win in my book. We met up with Josh, Frannie, and Garrett for a quick bite and Josh tells us that next summer he is going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with the men in his family! I couldn't believe it. How awesome. The men are following it up with a 5 day african safari....jealous? No, not me. I cannot wait to see video and pictures of that!!!

It's not a party until the police come!
Gary made it out to see everyone for the UGA game.

Seth had a soccer game on Saturday morning and he did pretty well. He lasted about 15 minutes of his 30 minute game before he wanted to stop. Then Christian and I convinced him to go back out on the field to "help his team." At this point, a steroid-taking bully of a 3 year old on the other team waits until the whistle blows and as Seth is about to kick the ball, he rears back and punches Seth in the gut. WHAT? I saw Seth crying and holding his belly but didn't realize what had happened until Christian told me. Who knew that could happen? Yep, there was no way we were getting Seth back on the field after that. Poor thing. ha ha! But our team (Baby Jaguars) did win...mainly because Matthew scored about 7 goals on his own. Go Matthew!

Sunday, we visited with Chris and Stephanie and met the new baby girl: Keltey Grace. She is beautiful. She looks the exact opposite of her older sister. Alexis has blonde hair and blue eyes and looks like Chris and Keltey has dark hair and dark eyes and seems to look like Stephanie. I forgot my camera Sunday so I have no pictures. Sorry.

Last night, we took Seth to the county fair. Kenny, Carter, and their girls were up there and Shanna met up with us with Matthew. The kid gang was complete! It was really cool because when Seth got out of the car this year and saw all the bright lights and rides, his eyes lit up. He really got excited and understood where he was! Definite change from last year. When we got there, it was perfect because Seth made the gang 4 so each of them had a riding buddy! They were so excited. We left Emily with Angela since she wouldn't be able to ride anything. Next year, she will have a ball though.

I couldn't get them all to look at once
Seth and Hannah on the big Frog
Seth and Matthew

Some random pictures from the last week or two:

Emmy has her determined look
They have started playing peekaboo and hide n seek all around the house.
This was while I was cooking dinner one night.
Saturday morning cartoons. This is the first time I have seen them like this!
Cracked me can't see it but Emmy is sitting indian-style. ha!
posted by Julie at 10:08 AM |


At September 18, 2008 at 6:47 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Aww. Nice to see them playing together like that. Too funny!

At September 19, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Cute pics! We made it home, finally... wish you could've shopped with me! SUCH cute stuff!