Sunday, September 28, 2008
As I mentioned before, Seth is on a soccer team this year - The Baby Jaguars. I finally had a chance to take some pictures. This may sound easy but since Seth doesn't exactly want to stay on the field and play...the chances are limited for photography. The season only has one more game that we can we are a bit thankful as we don't think Seth really likes it right now. I think he needs another year or two before he can handle the competition part.
But here are some pics of Saturday's game.

Seth's attention span after a goal was scored is starting to waiver
As you can see, he's very thrilled to be lining up for another go at it
Stuart and his son, Matthew...Discussing strategy? hee
Must have worked because Matthew scored a ton, again!
Seth and AJ were on the sidelines cheering on the others at this point
Ryan and Matthew about to score

...And here comes Seth behind them watching to make sure Pop was smiling. ha ha ha!
Yep, we had to bribe him with Pop's approval to get back on the field. OOPS.

posted by Julie at 2:31 PM |


At September 28, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Maybe he'll like it more next year... at least he looks cute in the uniform!

At September 28, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Blogger Julie said........
He is ridiculous cute in his uniform...not that I am biased one bit!

At September 29, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Oh man. Could those kids be any cuter?

And yeah. Seth might want to compete more in a couple of years. See if he asks about it later, though.