Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, we had split days. I had a girls day with Emmy. And Seth and Christian had a boys day. Emily and I hung out with Frannie and Garrett. We did some Gymboree fun and then had lunch. Garrett is really on the move and running like an athlete. Loved seeing them! The boys went with Sam and Mike to ride some trails in the mountains in Mike's FJ. Seth was so excited about his day he could hardly contain it. I am posting pictures from their day in the mountains. The rest of them are posted on dropshots.

Is it starting already?

Seth keeps talking about driving over trees!
Mike cracks me up in this picture. I hear Seth slept through the towing process
posted by Julie at 8:06 PM | 1 comments
The kids and I drove down to see Daddy play soccer Thursday night. Usually his games are 9pm or later at night. Since they are in the playoffs - it was at 7pm. Seth was super excited to get to see him and Tio (Uncle Sunil) play soccer. And by the way, they lost the game.

This seat was in the shade so I had to position him standing up in it so he could see
He was shouting "Daddy Over Here! Daddy Vamos!"
A little goal time of his own with Daddy and Tio
posted by Julie at 8:00 PM | 1 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I have been super busy this last week, so I haven't had time to post. Work has been really crazy and both of my projects are dealing with upcoming deadlines so that's lovely. We had Emily's 1 yr photos taken last Saturday and Seth's soccer registration this past Tuesday. And in all that mix, a teenager backed into us in a parking lot. Yea, like I need that inconvenience. And that is all it is. There was no impact but just enough damage so I have to have the front fender refinished. So this week has also been about getting estimates and figuring out when I can have it fixed. Lovely.

Seth's swim lessons started this week. They are just 2 weeks for 30 minutes each day. My dad is taking him so that's cute. I had a vacation day yesterday and was able to take him to his lessons. He did so well! I could finally pry him off of my neck after 10 minutes and he did great. Caitlyn and Hannah are in the class as well. Caitlyn is great at swimming but gets a bit scared about jumping off the side. Seth loves the jumping off the side, but is scared of swimming by himself. But I learned that I need to buy an extra long noodle so I can tie it around him in a keeps him afloat and gives him freedom. I will see how he does next week at the end of his class...his GRADUATION! ha
posted by Julie at 7:49 AM | 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008

To get the kids all calmed down for bedtime, there's nothing like a lullaby (aka. some loud rock music and dancing). We had some KT Tunstall playing and Emily couldn't stop dancing. So by the time I could grab the camera, Black Betty was playing. I think she loved that even more. She saw the camera and stopped dancing for a sec, so just ignore my order of "Baila" in the background to get her moving again. ha ha! But check her out...on the beat and everything.
posted by Julie at 4:20 PM | 3 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
So we visited with Mom on Saturday in Louisville. She is 93 and doing really well. Her legs are having some circulation problems but that didn't stop her from making "fixins'" for our "supper." We had fried chicken for lunch and fried catfish for dinner. She made cheese n mac (the southern vegetable), black eyed peas with chunks of ham in there, and squash casserole that could pass for dessert. It was delicious. She loved seeing the kids, here are some pics!

Do you think she likes her doll? ha
Not sure Emily was OK with this double rider thing
posted by Julie at 4:13 PM | 4 comments
Ok, so she isn't walking all the time yet. But she is taking 9-10 steps at a time every chance she gets. It is so cute. If she sees something she wants, she tries to walk to it. If you say anything like "Go Emmy." or "yea", she will drop down to her knees, smile, and crawl the rest of the way. So we have learned that it is better to just act like we don't notice. YEA!!! (I will have pictures as soon as I can get one)

The best part is she really started at my grandmother's house, Mom, in Louisville. So Mom was witness to her first day of "walking." I think that is really special.

Our visit with Mom went well. She looks good but her legs are having some problems with circulation again. I think she has an appt on Tuesday, so hopefully they will refer her to the whirlpool therapy again. But Sam and I had our cooler all ready to go for buying bulk Purvis BBQ. We get there and they were closed for the week. SIGH! What a let-down.
posted by Julie at 7:01 AM | 1 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I wanted to post a picture of the day. This was taken at the luncheon last weekend for my grandmother's 90th birthday. Christian took this shot just after he took away a plate she was playing with. I absolutely love this shot as she was giving him her "Do you really think that will stop me?" determined look. I love it! SSSOOOO EMILY!

posted by Julie at 11:44 AM | 3 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
posted by Julie at 7:50 PM | 3 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
We went to Mike & Melissa's mountain house in North Carolina for 4th of July. It was gorgeous up there. The weather was perfect...not hot and a great breeze. Seth loved going off-roading with Mike and daddy in the FJ. I have a few pics from that. And aside from being swarmed by bees on our was a great hike too. ha ha! Luckily, the kids and Tucker weren't stung. I would have hated that. Mike, Melissa, and I took the brunt of their attack. ha ha ha!

posted by Julie at 9:48 PM | 2 comments
My grandmother, Barbara, turned 90 on July 2. All of the family got together to celebrate on Saturday with her. It is not often that everyone from Uncle Ray's and my mom's family can get together. So it was a lot of fun and perfect for pictures. I hope I can be half as good at 90 as Barbara is...Hmm, I hope I can make it to 90 for that matter.

Only missing Pop-Pop
All the great-grandkids
Barbara & Aunt Johnny
The grandkids
Our family
Barbara & Emily
Pop & Emily
posted by Julie at 7:45 PM | 3 comments
OK, so I received my first Edible Arrangement on Wednesday. I have always wanted one of these and now I know why. It was gorgeous and even was delicious! Melissa sent me this gorgeous thing after the type of day I had on Tuesday. I will save everyone the sorted details but needless to was just one of those days. The white chocolate covered strawberries were my favorite. And I can say that every single morsel was eaten. THANK YOU!!!

posted by Julie at 2:48 PM | 2 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
So Emmy had her 1 year doctor appointment today. She is 22 lbs and 3 oz. :) She is slowing down in her percentages but still up there around 75%. The doctor said she looked very healthy and seems to be progressing on everything. However, she does have a skin infection in her diaper area. I thought it was a diaper rash but she said it was probably caused from one of her times in the pool with a swim diaper or whatever. She said girls are more susceptible to these infections so it could really come from anywhere. But it is sad to me. She has been kind of irritable this morning so I guess this is why. Anyway, she should be fine within a day or two.
posted by Julie at 1:34 PM | 2 comments