Monday, July 14, 2008
Ok, so she isn't walking all the time yet. But she is taking 9-10 steps at a time every chance she gets. It is so cute. If she sees something she wants, she tries to walk to it. If you say anything like "Go Emmy." or "yea", she will drop down to her knees, smile, and crawl the rest of the way. So we have learned that it is better to just act like we don't notice. YEA!!! (I will have pictures as soon as I can get one)

The best part is she really started at my grandmother's house, Mom, in Louisville. So Mom was witness to her first day of "walking." I think that is really special.

Our visit with Mom went well. She looks good but her legs are having some problems with circulation again. I think she has an appt on Tuesday, so hopefully they will refer her to the whirlpool therapy again. But Sam and I had our cooler all ready to go for buying bulk Purvis BBQ. We get there and they were closed for the week. SIGH! What a let-down.
posted by Julie at 7:01 AM |


At July 14, 2008 at 7:11 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Aww. She's walking!

They grow so fast.