Thursday, July 24, 2008
I have been super busy this last week, so I haven't had time to post. Work has been really crazy and both of my projects are dealing with upcoming deadlines so that's lovely. We had Emily's 1 yr photos taken last Saturday and Seth's soccer registration this past Tuesday. And in all that mix, a teenager backed into us in a parking lot. Yea, like I need that inconvenience. And that is all it is. There was no impact but just enough damage so I have to have the front fender refinished. So this week has also been about getting estimates and figuring out when I can have it fixed. Lovely.

Seth's swim lessons started this week. They are just 2 weeks for 30 minutes each day. My dad is taking him so that's cute. I had a vacation day yesterday and was able to take him to his lessons. He did so well! I could finally pry him off of my neck after 10 minutes and he did great. Caitlyn and Hannah are in the class as well. Caitlyn is great at swimming but gets a bit scared about jumping off the side. Seth loves the jumping off the side, but is scared of swimming by himself. But I learned that I need to buy an extra long noodle so I can tie it around him in a keeps him afloat and gives him freedom. I will see how he does next week at the end of his class...his GRADUATION! ha
posted by Julie at 7:49 AM |


At July 25, 2008 at 6:47 AM, Blogger Paula said........
I still remember going to my first swim lessons at his age.

It was a requirement of the Army (at least, at that time) that all dependents had to attend basic swimming classes. But my mom is afraid of the water! She was more afraid than I was. :)