Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, we had split days. I had a girls day with Emmy. And Seth and Christian had a boys day. Emily and I hung out with Frannie and Garrett. We did some Gymboree fun and then had lunch. Garrett is really on the move and running like an athlete. Loved seeing them! The boys went with Sam and Mike to ride some trails in the mountains in Mike's FJ. Seth was so excited about his day he could hardly contain it. I am posting pictures from their day in the mountains. The rest of them are posted on dropshots.

Is it starting already?

Seth keeps talking about driving over trees!
Mike cracks me up in this picture. I hear Seth slept through the towing process
posted by Julie at 8:06 PM |


At July 28, 2008 at 6:44 AM, Blogger Paula said........
That does look like an appropriately manly Boys Day. Mud and big trucks. :)