Thursday, July 3, 2008
So Emmy had her 1 year doctor appointment today. She is 22 lbs and 3 oz. :) She is slowing down in her percentages but still up there around 75%. The doctor said she looked very healthy and seems to be progressing on everything. However, she does have a skin infection in her diaper area. I thought it was a diaper rash but she said it was probably caused from one of her times in the pool with a swim diaper or whatever. She said girls are more susceptible to these infections so it could really come from anywhere. But it is sad to me. She has been kind of irritable this morning so I guess this is why. Anyway, she should be fine within a day or two.
posted by Julie at 1:34 PM |


At July 3, 2008 at 9:23 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Sorry she has an infection! I know that's uncomfortable for her... and you!

At July 4, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Blogger Paula said........
Poor Em. I'd be cranky too if I had an infection on my butt! :)

Actually, I used to get those at least once a year in San Antonio where we had a pool in the backyard. And they hurt like a b--ch!