Thursday, May 29, 2008
Yesterday we really learned why two grandmothers are better than one. Seth's summer preschool started yesterday, the hours are 9-1. Christian and I both had the day off so we could do doctor stuff. So Christian and his mom took Seth to school so they could figure out his new room and teachers. Christian took a different route to school. Well, when Angela went to pick Seth up she tried to same route and got lost. I feel bad for her because she doesn't really know the Gwinnett area that well since she used to live in Decatur. Luckily, she had my parents numbers on her. She called my mom and told her she was lost and wouldn't be able to pick Seth up on time. So my mom hopped in her car to the rescue...she only lives about a mile from Seth's preschool. Thank goodness for both grandmas. I would have been a flustered mess if I was Angela but she thought quickly and thankfully my mom was not busy! :) We love our moms!
posted by Julie at 12:14 PM | 3 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today was a gorgeous and hot day and PERFECT for the ballgame!!! We took Seth to his first Braves game today. And No...Emily didn't come. She is spending her first night away at Juju and Pop's house. Uncle Sam came with us and bought Seth his first Braves Hat. I wanted to buy him a Francoeur Jersey, especially after his game-winning homer. But then the guy said it was $50. UH...nevermind.

We did the ballgame the right way. We had a jumbo hot dog, popcorn, cotton candy, peanuts, beer. Oh, and I snuck Seth out to walk around and him and I had dippin' dots. He wasn't convinced it was ice-cream, but it sure didn't stop him from eating all of it. He kept saying "Delicioso!" ha ha The game was over by 7pm to our surprise so we were home by 8pm. Seth had a ball but not sure he cared much about the actual game being played. He cared more about the food (Yes, he's my boy) and the music.

Seth was convinced he hit the motherload of all soccer balls
Wearing his new Braves hat Uncle Sam bought him
posted by Julie at 11:07 PM | 2 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
As I mentioned before, we met up with Michelle on Sunday and I finally got to hold and love on baby Caroline! She is even more precious in person. And the best part...she has her very own natural mohawk! I LOVE IT!!!

Did Michelle just have a baby 5 months ago???
Look at that awesome mohawk...couldn't style it better if you tried
Here's Emily reaching for my camera
posted by Julie at 7:37 PM | 1 comments
We have been trying every sippy cup around to get Emily off her bottles. Everyone raved about the Nuby and I do mean everybody! I tried a few different Nuby cups and Emily would just treat the soft nipple as a teether. So we finally decided she would be a hard sippy cup girl. After trying a few different types, she has taken to the same ones that Seth has - GO FIGURE! Anyway, our weekend highlight easily has to be Emily using her sippy cups all weekend! Does this mean no more bottles??? I am already cleaning them so I can pack them up and get rid of them. YEA!!!

Could it be true? No more bottles and bottle racks in our house? Lord, I hope so. And in another month...NO MORE FORMULA!

We got together with Michelle and her Sweet Caroline yesterday. I will post those pictures tonight. She is absolutely adorable!
posted by Julie at 6:42 AM | 2 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tonight is Date Night! YEA!! We have a great babysitter across the street from us who Seth loves. However, she leaves every summer to go to Utah and see her dad. SO...she leaves on May 25th for the WHOLE FREAKIN' SUMMER! SUCK! So Christian and I are trying to find any chance we have to use her until then. So she is coming tonight to stay with the kids. We were going to go visit our friends in Conyers who just had a baby boy last week. They had something come up, so we are now using the night as DATE NIGHT!!! Yep, how many times can I say DATE excited. nights are a bit different since had kids. We use the time to do our errands and shopping that we can never get done with the kids. So hopefully, we will actually be able to buy some new clothes tonight. Yep, we are also hitting the Lowes for deck stain and scoping new kitchen hardware. FUN! ha Christian really wants to see a movie so if we can stay awake long enough, we will grab a late movie after our shopping is over. YEA DATE NIGHT!
posted by Julie at 7:03 AM | 1 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday night was Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) in Gwinnett. As usual, it was a HUGE turnout! There were thousands of people there in the team-themed shirts and survivor shirts raising money for cancer. It is amazing how much bigger this event becomes each year. I love it! I joined our church team this year and raised $350 but our whole church raised almost $25,000 so that isn't bad! :) I can't wait to find out how much the whole event raised. I know the goal was over $2.5 million. Here are few pictures I stole from my co-worker Cathy who was at the event as well. I had a mommy moment and packed everything I could think of except a camera.

My co-worker, Cathy, and I
Emily was a trooper in the heat!
posted by Julie at 8:05 PM | 2 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I just wanted to wish all my mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day. It is a gorgeous day outside and we got some much needed rain last night. Christian is working today but he drove home and surprised me for breakfast with flowers, cards, candy, and best of all...a pedicure gift certificate! :) YEA!! I took the kids to my mom for lunch today and he is getting together with his mom today. I think tonight we may do a dinner out or bring something in and watch a movie. Relaxing is my favorite! :)

Have a great Mother's Day and enjoy your little ones !
posted by Julie at 2:30 PM | 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tomorrow night is Gwinnett's Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society. I haven't participated in this in a few years due to babies and pregnancies. So I am excited to be participating again and to be able to bring my little ones up to the Relay. It is so much fun.

A shameless plug - For those who still want to contribute, you can visit my Relay Page and make a donation that goes to the American Cancer Society. And for those that want to come join the fun, VAMOS! Cathy - I will see you there.

All of us have been touched in one way or another by cancer....we need to find a cure!
posted by Julie at 8:48 AM | 1 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I wanted to let everyone know about these beautiful little girls and their family. I was friends with Justin Bouchard at Brookwood High School. While I have not seen him in years, we have mutual friends that I talk with a lot. Kelly Hughes (formerly Kelly Cartus) has told me about their personal tragedy and I wanted to let others know so they could lend support, either financially or through thoughts and prayers.

Justin and Kristen Bouchard had twin baby girls in September 2006, Corynne and Cathryn. After about a year of multiple misdiagnoses, the girls were finally diagnosed with Niemann-Pick Type C. Essentially, the disease affects they way their bodies breakdown and use fats/cholesterol. The resulting buildup of lipids causes problems in multiple areas of the body, including the brain, which then leads to a condition akin to Alzheimer's. Indeed, this condition has been labeled "Childhood Alzheimer's." It is fatal; there is no known cure.

The girls' conditions worsened, I just found out that Corynne passed away on Sunday. They were able to get their two other sons to the hospital to say goodbye. Unfortunately, Cathryn's condition has worsened too, following closely behind her sister. She is now also on oxygen and is refusing to eat.

The family has set up a website explaining their children's condition, providing links to NPC research studies, etc. I encourage you all to visit this website to make yourselves aware of this condition:

While I do encourage you to donate to the fund online, I am aware that some people are unable to do this, so please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. In addition to trying to cope with two terminally-ill children, the family has amassed thousands upon thousands in hospital bills, etc. While they do have insurance, the insurance coverage they have cannot come close to covering the costs they have incurred and will continue to incur. Kristen quit her job to take care of the girls, and Justin's co-workers have pulled together to donate their paid leave to him to cover part of the time he's out of work. The mere use of the machine they had at the hospital to help Corynne breathe was $16,000, and it is looking like insurance is not going to cover it. This is but a trifle of the costs/expenses they have incurred and will incur. It is simply unconscionable to think they have to deal with financial worries while losing two of their children.

Many of you have expressed a desire to send a direct financial contribution to the family to help with their medical bills. I know Christian and I are going this route so we can directly help them. If you are interested in making a direct donation, please send it to them at their home:

Justin and Kristen Bouchard
12230 Ducks Landing
Frisco, TX 75034

Every bit counts no matter how small. Even if you are not interested in making a donation, please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.
posted by Julie at 9:50 AM | 1 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
So Shanna and Stuart held their Sumo Party and it was "on like Donkey Kong" as Shanna said. It was hilarious!!! I have uploaded a ton of pics and some videos to our dropshots site. I guess the beer made it not as embarrassing at the time. I was paired against Amy Cook, who promptly took me down with no problems. Here are a few shots:

Sam and Chris
Carter and Amanda
Can you tell that Sam's had a few?
posted by Julie at 8:47 PM | 3 comments