Thursday, May 29, 2008
Yesterday we really learned why two grandmothers are better than one. Seth's summer preschool started yesterday, the hours are 9-1. Christian and I both had the day off so we could do doctor stuff. So Christian and his mom took Seth to school so they could figure out his new room and teachers. Christian took a different route to school. Well, when Angela went to pick Seth up she tried to same route and got lost. I feel bad for her because she doesn't really know the Gwinnett area that well since she used to live in Decatur. Luckily, she had my parents numbers on her. She called my mom and told her she was lost and wouldn't be able to pick Seth up on time. So my mom hopped in her car to the rescue...she only lives about a mile from Seth's preschool. Thank goodness for both grandmas. I would have been a flustered mess if I was Angela but she thought quickly and thankfully my mom was not busy! :) We love our moms!
posted by Julie at 12:14 PM |


At May 29, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Blogger Paula said........
I am so impressed by people who raise children on their own without families to help.

Having been an Army brat, I know that you eventually develop that network with your friends. But still. There's nothing like a grandma being around.

(And my parents have had that same kinda thing pop up where one grandparent calls the other to help out.)

At May 29, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Blogger Julie said........
Lord knows "A Village" could be any group of loved ones. Nothing wrong with friends either. We are just as lucky in that realm.

At May 29, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
You guys are fortunate! Hope Seth likes his new teacher!