Monday, May 19, 2008
We have been trying every sippy cup around to get Emily off her bottles. Everyone raved about the Nuby and I do mean everybody! I tried a few different Nuby cups and Emily would just treat the soft nipple as a teether. So we finally decided she would be a hard sippy cup girl. After trying a few different types, she has taken to the same ones that Seth has - GO FIGURE! Anyway, our weekend highlight easily has to be Emily using her sippy cups all weekend! Does this mean no more bottles??? I am already cleaning them so I can pack them up and get rid of them. YEA!!!

Could it be true? No more bottles and bottle racks in our house? Lord, I hope so. And in another month...NO MORE FORMULA!

We got together with Michelle and her Sweet Caroline yesterday. I will post those pictures tonight. She is absolutely adorable!
posted by Julie at 6:42 AM |


At May 19, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
Yay! I know that is a relief. Ella really took to the Nuby--she got on those before she was teething, so maybe that helped her not to chew on the spout. She chews on it like crazy now that she's working on her molars. And look forward to the no formula! That's a big day!!

At May 22, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
That is great. Once again, this proves that babies do things when THEY are ready and when THEY want to. I have to tell myself that ALL the time! Go Emmy!