Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I wanted to let everyone know about these beautiful little girls and their family. I was friends with Justin Bouchard at Brookwood High School. While I have not seen him in years, we have mutual friends that I talk with a lot. Kelly Hughes (formerly Kelly Cartus) has told me about their personal tragedy and I wanted to let others know so they could lend support, either financially or through thoughts and prayers.

Justin and Kristen Bouchard had twin baby girls in September 2006, Corynne and Cathryn. After about a year of multiple misdiagnoses, the girls were finally diagnosed with Niemann-Pick Type C. Essentially, the disease affects they way their bodies breakdown and use fats/cholesterol. The resulting buildup of lipids causes problems in multiple areas of the body, including the brain, which then leads to a condition akin to Alzheimer's. Indeed, this condition has been labeled "Childhood Alzheimer's." It is fatal; there is no known cure.

The girls' conditions worsened, I just found out that Corynne passed away on Sunday. They were able to get their two other sons to the hospital to say goodbye. Unfortunately, Cathryn's condition has worsened too, following closely behind her sister. She is now also on oxygen and is refusing to eat.

The family has set up a website explaining their children's condition, providing links to NPC research studies, etc. I encourage you all to visit this website to make yourselves aware of this condition: www.angeltwins.org

While I do encourage you to donate to the fund online, I am aware that some people are unable to do this, so please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. In addition to trying to cope with two terminally-ill children, the family has amassed thousands upon thousands in hospital bills, etc. While they do have insurance, the insurance coverage they have cannot come close to covering the costs they have incurred and will continue to incur. Kristen quit her job to take care of the girls, and Justin's co-workers have pulled together to donate their paid leave to him to cover part of the time he's out of work. The mere use of the machine they had at the hospital to help Corynne breathe was $16,000, and it is looking like insurance is not going to cover it. This is but a trifle of the costs/expenses they have incurred and will incur. It is simply unconscionable to think they have to deal with financial worries while losing two of their children.

Many of you have expressed a desire to send a direct financial contribution to the family to help with their medical bills. I know Christian and I are going this route so we can directly help them. If you are interested in making a direct donation, please send it to them at their home:

Justin and Kristen Bouchard
12230 Ducks Landing
Frisco, TX 75034

Every bit counts no matter how small. Even if you are not interested in making a donation, please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.
posted by Julie at 9:50 AM |


At May 7, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Blogger Paula said........
I just can't imagine going through that. And then you have to deal with the financial disaster, as well?

There has to be a better way.