Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today was a gorgeous and hot day and PERFECT for the ballgame!!! We took Seth to his first Braves game today. And No...Emily didn't come. She is spending her first night away at Juju and Pop's house. Uncle Sam came with us and bought Seth his first Braves Hat. I wanted to buy him a Francoeur Jersey, especially after his game-winning homer. But then the guy said it was $50. UH...nevermind.

We did the ballgame the right way. We had a jumbo hot dog, popcorn, cotton candy, peanuts, beer. Oh, and I snuck Seth out to walk around and him and I had dippin' dots. He wasn't convinced it was ice-cream, but it sure didn't stop him from eating all of it. He kept saying "Delicioso!" ha ha The game was over by 7pm to our surprise so we were home by 8pm. Seth had a ball but not sure he cared much about the actual game being played. He cared more about the food (Yes, he's my boy) and the music.

Seth was convinced he hit the motherload of all soccer balls
Wearing his new Braves hat Uncle Sam bought him
posted by Julie at 11:07 PM |


At May 25, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
How fun!! Glad you guys had a great time and got some time with Uncle Sam! And good job stuffing your faces! That's the best part!

At May 26, 2008 at 6:33 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Oh my gawd, can Seth be any cuter?

And going to your first baseball game (especially at his age) is not about the actual game. It's about the experience.

It sounds like he definitely had one!