Friday, May 16, 2008
Tonight is Date Night! YEA!! We have a great babysitter across the street from us who Seth loves. However, she leaves every summer to go to Utah and see her dad. SO...she leaves on May 25th for the WHOLE FREAKIN' SUMMER! SUCK! So Christian and I are trying to find any chance we have to use her until then. So she is coming tonight to stay with the kids. We were going to go visit our friends in Conyers who just had a baby boy last week. They had something come up, so we are now using the night as DATE NIGHT!!! Yep, how many times can I say DATE excited. nights are a bit different since had kids. We use the time to do our errands and shopping that we can never get done with the kids. So hopefully, we will actually be able to buy some new clothes tonight. Yep, we are also hitting the Lowes for deck stain and scoping new kitchen hardware. FUN! ha Christian really wants to see a movie so if we can stay awake long enough, we will grab a late movie after our shopping is over. YEA DATE NIGHT!
posted by Julie at 7:03 AM |


At May 18, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Live the dream, baby.