Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Almost two weeks after Emily showed signs of being sick, our house is finally mended and healthy. It went from Emmy to Seth to mommy. Sigh. Christian was recovering in his own right as well. So now we are finally all feeling healthy and normal now.

CDC has agreed to let us work from home two days a week now due to the RIDICULOUS, HIGH gas prices. So Wednesday and Thursdays are my new telecommute days each week. While I may not be able to telecommute both days each week since my work is super busy, just having that option is so nice. Anything to help pinch the penny with gas is good for me! Not to mention I can let up on the parking wars at work a few days. Parking at CDC is an adventure with the campus being close to 800 parking spaces short!! Thankfully, I get to work very early and am able to get parking. Otherwise, you are susceptible to the Vulchers that are normally your co-workers zooming around these decks like the Indy 500 or parking outside a door to stalk the next victim leaving for lunch all the way to their car. It is definitely something you shouldn't have to deal with going to work every day. :)
posted by Julie at 11:15 AM | 2 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
This Friday couldn't come any quicker. I have had the longest, most tiring week! While Emily is feeling better, Seth is still sick. He got what Emily had on Sunday and just hasn't kicked it that easily. I finally took him to the doctor yesterday afternoon and he has an ear infection from the virus. But the rest is just a virus. I was glad to know his coughing wasn't in his chest though. Anyway, Christian is recovering as well so I am not letting him do much with the kids so he doesn't overdo it. My back has been killing me by the time I go to bed each night from lifting Seth and Emily into car seats, the bath, booster seat or high chairs, up and down the stairs, etc. I am beat. And I am slammed at work right now. I love being busy at work because my days go quickly, but when it rains it pours here. So I cannot be more excited about Friday. I could barely stumble out of bed this morning, but I'm here!
posted by Julie at 6:52 AM | 3 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
So this is what a "mommy" is ...

Emily had a fever yesterday afternoon of 101. So we just gave her some Tylenol and monitored it. Nothing changed. By dinner, she was lethargic, no smiles, no toys, and the fever was at 103. That is the highest fever that either her or Seth has had. So mommy and daddy were nervous and doing the cuddling bit. Finally, around 7:30 we decided it was time to take her to 'immediate care'. Christian didn't want me to go alone and he had to stay with Seth. So I called my mom...again, this is what being a "mommy" is. My mom came with Emily and I. Turns out it is just a virus, no ear infection, no UTI. :) So off we went - with peace of mind, I guess.

Christian has weekend duty this weekend. So today, I have planted myself at home doing the domestic stuff (laundry, cooking, cleaning) so Emily can be as low-key as possible. She is already feeling better. Back to smiling and playing again. So hopefully in another few days, she will be over it. :)

So while my mom is the constant nurse/caretaker of the family right now....I hope I get it honest from her. She was very much the grandmother last night coming with me across town at 8pm. :) Thanks Mom!
posted by Julie at 6:10 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Our backsplash was completed last week. We were very pleased with out it came out. I posted some pics below. Now the shameless plug - Allen Medina did an AWESOME job. His website is

posted by Julie at 4:10 PM | 2 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Finally, a hint that primetime TV is inching back to normalcy. Desperate Housewives returned on Sunday night. I had no idea, so thank God for Tivo! There's my plug for Tivo is one of those things that you never knew you were missing. Christian and I always watch D.H. so we were thrilled to watch a real TV show again. Hooray for the writers having work again.
posted by Julie at 7:11 AM | 3 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
We got back from Pigeon Forge, TN on Thursday. We had such a good time and it is always so much fun to get away. We took the kids to Dollywood on Sunday and Monday...Seth had so much fun! Emily had fun and even with missing a nap here or there was a trooper. Seth called our condos "The Castle." We aren't sure why since it looked like a normal hotel, but as Barbara says "Whatever makes you happy, tickles me to death." We loved having our indoor water park and Christian loved having a Sauna. Kenny's parents and Caitlyn and Hannah were in town for a few days as well. So they came over to swim with Seth and Emily. All afternoon Seth waited and asked "Where's KK? I love KK." ha ha! Here are a few pictures from the trip, but all of them are on the Dropshots Site.

Daddy Tourist
My Waterbug

And how did this get in here???
posted by Julie at 9:49 PM | 3 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
By the time I get all my shopping and packing done for this trip, I will be worn out. I will need a vacation more than ever! It has been so long since we have taken a trip that I forgot how much work goes into planning, packing, and prepping for it. I am exhausted already. And it cracks me up that Christian can throw a few boxers and socks in the suitcase and blurt out how hard it is to pack. Yea! He has it rough. Lord knows he isn't packing the kids clothes, diapers (4 different kinds by the way), toys, books, kitchen stuff, toiletries, and all the baby gear. ha ha!

And yep Sam, I've turned into Mom. I have started packing about a week ahead using the guest bed as my work station. ha! The older we get, the smarter our parents are.
posted by Julie at 8:12 PM | 2 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Well, I think I have finally come to the conclusion that you can't help people that don't want to help themselves. I am just too stubborn to do everything for someone as I feel that is being taken advantage of. Goes back to the old saying "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." I think we are just tired of serving fish. We have been trying to teach someone to fish even though there is no desire to learn. They just want to be fed all day. Very frustrating and draining.

Just think VACATION, VACATION, VACATION. Can't wait until Saturday!
posted by Julie at 1:46 PM | 4 comments