Friday, April 25, 2008
This Friday couldn't come any quicker. I have had the longest, most tiring week! While Emily is feeling better, Seth is still sick. He got what Emily had on Sunday and just hasn't kicked it that easily. I finally took him to the doctor yesterday afternoon and he has an ear infection from the virus. But the rest is just a virus. I was glad to know his coughing wasn't in his chest though. Anyway, Christian is recovering as well so I am not letting him do much with the kids so he doesn't overdo it. My back has been killing me by the time I go to bed each night from lifting Seth and Emily into car seats, the bath, booster seat or high chairs, up and down the stairs, etc. I am beat. And I am slammed at work right now. I love being busy at work because my days go quickly, but when it rains it pours here. So I cannot be more excited about Friday. I could barely stumble out of bed this morning, but I'm here!
posted by Julie at 6:52 AM |


At April 25, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Ahh, life with kids! Sorry Seth is still sick--hopefully he'll be better soon. Tell Christian that Ashley "feels for him" about the big V! By the way, we're back in Chattanooga---after a 10.5 hour drive in the car today! Not so easy with a baby. Not to mention I was crammed into the seat next to her huge car seat the whole time! Oh well, we had a great trip. Tell you more later.

At April 27, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Amen, sister! That office was nuts, last week.

At April 28, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Blogger jms said........
Yeah Yeah Yeah but at least you were looking good for your lunch date = ) I told Jennifer about your encounter and she laughed so hard. She said that is one of her nightmares = )