Saturday, April 19, 2008
So this is what a "mommy" is ...

Emily had a fever yesterday afternoon of 101. So we just gave her some Tylenol and monitored it. Nothing changed. By dinner, she was lethargic, no smiles, no toys, and the fever was at 103. That is the highest fever that either her or Seth has had. So mommy and daddy were nervous and doing the cuddling bit. Finally, around 7:30 we decided it was time to take her to 'immediate care'. Christian didn't want me to go alone and he had to stay with Seth. So I called my mom...again, this is what being a "mommy" is. My mom came with Emily and I. Turns out it is just a virus, no ear infection, no UTI. :) So off we went - with peace of mind, I guess.

Christian has weekend duty this weekend. So today, I have planted myself at home doing the domestic stuff (laundry, cooking, cleaning) so Emily can be as low-key as possible. She is already feeling better. Back to smiling and playing again. So hopefully in another few days, she will be over it. :)

So while my mom is the constant nurse/caretaker of the family right now....I hope I get it honest from her. She was very much the grandmother last night coming with me across town at 8pm. :) Thanks Mom!
posted by Julie at 6:10 PM |


At April 20, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Blogger Paula said........
Isn't it great having grandparents in town?

I hope Emily is all better today. It's no fun being sick. But babies can crank out some fevers, can't they?

Lauren has done the 104 thing quite a few times. It is freakishly scary.

And then in a day or two, it was like they were never sick.

Hopefully I'll see you at work tomorrow!

At April 21, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Hey, we're in Florida, but we have internet at the house we're renting. Hope Emily is all better!! Poor thing. And I'm sure your mom was glad to help--that's what moms are for!!