Wednesday, April 2, 2008
By the time I get all my shopping and packing done for this trip, I will be worn out. I will need a vacation more than ever! It has been so long since we have taken a trip that I forgot how much work goes into planning, packing, and prepping for it. I am exhausted already. And it cracks me up that Christian can throw a few boxers and socks in the suitcase and blurt out how hard it is to pack. Yea! He has it rough. Lord knows he isn't packing the kids clothes, diapers (4 different kinds by the way), toys, books, kitchen stuff, toiletries, and all the baby gear. ha ha!

And yep Sam, I've turned into Mom. I have started packing about a week ahead using the guest bed as my work station. ha! The older we get, the smarter our parents are.
posted by Julie at 8:12 PM |


At April 3, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
Since we travel a lot... I finally got smart and just boght two of everything (all toiletries) and keep them in a travel bag so that I would be "ready" at all times! Just throw in my clothes and voila! That might be a bit much, but I got so tired of packing and unpacking, and IT WORKS! Too bad I cant do that with the munchkin's stuff. Have a great time!

At April 4, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Blogger jms said........
Dude, I so remember my mom doing that too!!! I use to make fun of her . . . now I am her.