Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Almost two weeks after Emily showed signs of being sick, our house is finally mended and healthy. It went from Emmy to Seth to mommy. Sigh. Christian was recovering in his own right as well. So now we are finally all feeling healthy and normal now.

CDC has agreed to let us work from home two days a week now due to the RIDICULOUS, HIGH gas prices. So Wednesday and Thursdays are my new telecommute days each week. While I may not be able to telecommute both days each week since my work is super busy, just having that option is so nice. Anything to help pinch the penny with gas is good for me! Not to mention I can let up on the parking wars at work a few days. Parking at CDC is an adventure with the campus being close to 800 parking spaces short!! Thankfully, I get to work very early and am able to get parking. Otherwise, you are susceptible to the Vulchers that are normally your co-workers zooming around these decks like the Indy 500 or parking outside a door to stalk the next victim leaving for lunch all the way to their car. It is definitely something you shouldn't have to deal with going to work every day. :)
posted by Julie at 11:15 AM |


At April 30, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
We used to have to "stalk" people leaving their cars when I was at USF--there were so many students and not enough parking. We'd actually have them get in the car and show us exactly where they were parked so there was no chance of missing the spot! ha!

At May 1, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Blogger Paula said........
I like that. Parking stalkers.

I've gotten so aggravated by people that I just stop answering when you get that rolled down window with the "are you leaving" question.

No. I'm not leaving. I'm just carrying all my stuff to the car so I don't have to do it later!

I hope you're feeling better today. You still sounded kinda blah on Tuesday.