Saturday, April 12, 2008
We got back from Pigeon Forge, TN on Thursday. We had such a good time and it is always so much fun to get away. We took the kids to Dollywood on Sunday and Monday...Seth had so much fun! Emily had fun and even with missing a nap here or there was a trooper. Seth called our condos "The Castle." We aren't sure why since it looked like a normal hotel, but as Barbara says "Whatever makes you happy, tickles me to death." We loved having our indoor water park and Christian loved having a Sauna. Kenny's parents and Caitlyn and Hannah were in town for a few days as well. So they came over to swim with Seth and Emily. All afternoon Seth waited and asked "Where's KK? I love KK." ha ha! Here are a few pictures from the trip, but all of them are on the Dropshots Site.

Daddy Tourist
My Waterbug

And how did this get in here???
posted by Julie at 9:49 PM |


At April 13, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
I tried to leave a comment once, but it didn't work? I'll try again--Glad you guys had such a good time! The pics are great! How many rednecks did you see? ha!

At April 13, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Blogger jms said........
My neighbors went to PF this past week too! I kept looking for them in the background of your pictures but did not see them = )

Glad y'all had such a good time!

At April 14, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Blogger Paula said........
Ooo. Looks like a great sidewalk over to the outlets. :)

Can those kids get any cuter? I love the ones of them in that race car.