Thursday, June 25, 2009
We had a great Father's Day this year. Seth sang with all the vacation bible schoolers at church on Sunday. He usually doesn't do big crowds very well and tends to not sing. This year, he was front row and sang and did all the hand movements. At the very end of the "performance", he spotted me in the pews and screamed across the whole church "Mommy, I sing good." Everyone burst into laughter...he was so cute!

Love this picture taken just before church
Seth loving on Bo while he watches TV

Emily on her new ride
Training wheels all around
posted by Julie at 9:29 AM | 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
This was a jammed packed weekend, especially considering we had NO plans going into it. ha! On Friday, we had trees removed from the backyard. Who really needs those nasty trash sweetgum trees anyway? Oh wait...probably the baby bird that was hatched in a nest inside of those trees within the 24 hour period. This teeny tiny (same size as an egg) nestling was handed to Christian by the tree removers. My sweet husband made a cool nest out of a gross basket he found in our pantry (I could swear I have never seen that basket)...he added pinestraw and leaves and plopped him in the middle. We had no idea what to feed it but he placed it on top of our playfort out back hoping the mommy would come back. (Yes, we found out the moms do come back after human touch). Here's the catch though - The moms come back by hearing the baby bird's noises. This one was too young to make any noise yet. :( After many phone calls, I was put in touch with a lady in Atlanta, Debbie Ivy, that is a bird specialist and helps rehabilitate them. She told me what to feed him and how to keep him alive until I could get him to her that night. Watered, soggy dogfood. Who knew...birds like kibble. So he was alive and moving when I dropped him off to her Friday night. I am going to get an update tomorrow from her. Seth fell in love with him and wanted me to be his mommy. Against everyone saying this little thing wouldn't make it, I think he is going to be just fine. Look how tiny!

Because Mom Thomas is in the hospital, my niece, nephew, and sister-in-law, Robin, drove all the way down from Ohio to visit with her. Then even trucked up to my house to see me on the way home. I haven't seen Robin since I was in early high school and she looks great. She is so sweet. And of course, my niece and nephew are always awesome. Leslie is an amazing photographer ... check our her pics at AH Photography. And Phillip just came back from studying in Russia and France for a year!

posted by Julie at 7:50 PM | 4 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I finally uploaded some pics from my camera today. Look at these sweet pics I found!

Well Hello Carter...I mean, Caitlyn!
Kenny...get your daddy skilled will be hell!
Seth & Caitlyn anxiously await the oven-cooked smores

While we can all see Hannah chowing down on her messy smore...
Check out Seth's face bowed in his hands -
He couldn't get on board with sticky hands smores
So we gave him cold, raw, if you will smores. ha!

And my favorite catch - As I was setting up lunch, I walked in to get their hands washed and found this - Seth trying to comfort Emmy to sleep on his chest. SO SWEET!! They were watching TV like this for about 15 minutes.
posted by Julie at 1:55 PM | 2 comments
I may be jumping the gun here but I am hoping Emily is showing more interest for potty-training. She isn't quite two yet (will be two on June 29) but this morning I went downstairs to get coffee. She looked at me and said "poopy. poopy." I asked her if she needed to go and she said Yes. I put her on the potty...honestly, not expecting much. And sure enough - SHE WENT POOPY! I tried to make a big deal and gave her 2 little candies (our poopy reward). She really didn't seem to care about that but I wanted her to know how happy I was. ONE LESS DIAPER TO CHANGE TODAY!

On another note, Mom Thomas is still in the hospital. Tuesday night was a rough night for her. Her heart was hurting a lot so my dad drove down there last night and will be there to see how things are. They ran tests and didn't see anything wrong. I called her and talked to her for a few minutes, she sounded tired but just like her strong self. Please keep her in your prayers. My two grandmothers are my favorite role models...I am so lucky to have two strong, independent grandmothers (and in their 90s no less).
posted by Julie at 8:48 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Mom Thomas is in the hospital in Louisville. She has a lot of trouble with her legs and circulation. She was having a lot of pain and they were very sore yesterday. So when her maid came, she took her to the doctor and the doctor admitted her to the hospital. They just want to keep her there so they can monitor her. She is 93 years old and has to be one of the strongest people I I know she will be fine and glad they can watch her there.

Just keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
posted by Julie at 9:33 AM | 3 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
So we finally upgraded Emmy from Toddler Bed to Double Bed. Of course, with that comes new bedding and an updated paint job. Considering this was the original nursery that we brought Seth home to...after learning he was a boy. So remember we painted the nursery neutral green and yellow with the moon and stars theme. I was so ready to get moons and stars out of our house that I cannot even express it! ha ha!

This is a pic of her sham but you can get the idea of the bedding

The walls look a bit more pale and lavender in person that this shows.
You can see the poem my great-grandmother cross-stitched for me on the left and the sign we added for Emmy on the right.

The only negative is the bedrails really crimp the look of a cute quilt. So I have to keep the quilt folded neatly at the foot of the bed. But hopefully she will only need rails for about a year or so. Emily was so excited to sleep in a big girl bed!
posted by Julie at 1:16 PM | 1 comments