Monday, June 1, 2009
So we finally upgraded Emmy from Toddler Bed to Double Bed. Of course, with that comes new bedding and an updated paint job. Considering this was the original nursery that we brought Seth home to...after learning he was a boy. So remember we painted the nursery neutral green and yellow with the moon and stars theme. I was so ready to get moons and stars out of our house that I cannot even express it! ha ha!

This is a pic of her sham but you can get the idea of the bedding

The walls look a bit more pale and lavender in person that this shows.
You can see the poem my great-grandmother cross-stitched for me on the left and the sign we added for Emmy on the right.

The only negative is the bedrails really crimp the look of a cute quilt. So I have to keep the quilt folded neatly at the foot of the bed. But hopefully she will only need rails for about a year or so. Emily was so excited to sleep in a big girl bed!
posted by Julie at 1:16 PM |


At June 2, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Blogger jms said........
Yeah Emmy! Big girl bed alreay!!