Thursday, June 11, 2009
I may be jumping the gun here but I am hoping Emily is showing more interest for potty-training. She isn't quite two yet (will be two on June 29) but this morning I went downstairs to get coffee. She looked at me and said "poopy. poopy." I asked her if she needed to go and she said Yes. I put her on the potty...honestly, not expecting much. And sure enough - SHE WENT POOPY! I tried to make a big deal and gave her 2 little candies (our poopy reward). She really didn't seem to care about that but I wanted her to know how happy I was. ONE LESS DIAPER TO CHANGE TODAY!

On another note, Mom Thomas is still in the hospital. Tuesday night was a rough night for her. Her heart was hurting a lot so my dad drove down there last night and will be there to see how things are. They ran tests and didn't see anything wrong. I called her and talked to her for a few minutes, she sounded tired but just like her strong self. Please keep her in your prayers. My two grandmothers are my favorite role models...I am so lucky to have two strong, independent grandmothers (and in their 90s no less).
posted by Julie at 8:48 AM |