Friday, November 28, 2008
I hope everyone had a great holiday. We had a perfect Thanksgiving...everyone was on time and the wine flowed easily! Mom and Dad made a ton of this year's dishes. And we had 2 birds: a turkey and a turducken. I have to say I was skeptical but it was pretty good. It didn't look at all pretty when cut in half but the meat was good. I have taken some pics for everyone to see for themselves. We are so lucky to have both sides of our family here in town and able to come together for the holidays.

Today, Christian ventured out at 5am and bought the 22" TV for the living room. We LOVE it in there...and so do the kids. It has a built-in DVD so we don't have it hooked up to satellite yet but we can just pop in their DVD and viola! We also put up all the Christmas stuff today. Love this time of year!

The Turducken
These were only some of the dishes
Me & Sam
Dad & I - The prep crew
Me, Mom & Sam
The Guarnizo side...
The Thomas side...
Emmy puckers up for the camera
Sunil & Sarah
Abby & Emmy
Seth was out by 6:30pm on the couch!
posted by Julie at 7:12 PM | 3 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Today's is Christian's birthday and he got the best present of all. This morning, Seth woke up and came into our room to tell us he had to go poopy!! OH YEA...Those few words that every parents hopes to hear one day. And did I ever think I would type about it on the internet? ha ha! Let alone ever be so happy about it. ha ha! So the day has been started out right! YEA!!!

We went out last night with Mike and Melissa for some of the best japanese I've had in a long time. But the company was even better....they are always so easy and fun to hang out with. We walked around Mall of Georgia for awhile and sadly, I couldn't find anything to buy. Who would have thought?

Gotta run spend Christian's birthday with him.
posted by Julie at 9:43 AM | 3 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
OK, Christian will probably kill me for these pictures but they crack me up! Louisville has a killer playground that was donated by a woman after she died. This playground has stuff I have never seen before. While I was in awe at some of things on the playground, Christian was actually climbing and exploring the playground. Enjoy!

Yes, that's my cautious Seth that climbed up there by himself!

Check out Christian's proud expression. ha!

posted by Julie at 8:21 PM | 3 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
posted by Julie at 8:54 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I haven't posted in a bit because there hasn't been much going on. We took the kids down to Louisville to see Mom Thomas this past weekend. She wasn't feeling wonderful since she had some minor surgery on her teeth last week. But she looked good! And yes, she still cooks great. Aunt Shirley was down there as well since it was the big annual Methodist Church Bazaar. So we got to visit with both them and of course, eat like only you can eat in Louisville!

The radio station I listen to in the mornings, Q100, is doing their annual Big Thank You project. The goal of the project is to get over a million messages written for the same number of troops we have serving the US by Thanksgiving. It doesn't take much time, literally under 5 seconds, to click on the link and complete a message. Please think of our troops who won't get to be with their families this holiday season!
posted by Julie at 9:59 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
With today's economy and a growing family, personal finance has become VERY important to me. I do get some of the finance bug from my dad...he always drilled personal responsibility with money (among other things) into my head. Now I can thank him as I know what a budget is, how to stay on budget, and how to invest in my future. That being said, there are many gaps of knowledge when it comes to stocks, investing, and the whole personal finance picture. So I may be blogging more about strategies and tips for building a nest egg or stretching a paycheck to the maximum. That has become a little game to me lately. My husband and I both make decent money and more importantly, we live below our means. However, we are paying for childcare, preschool, assisting my mother-in-law with financials a bit, etc. I know everyone has their own situations so I will spare you the details. I was raised with the mentality that there is no free lunch and nothing is a job. Christian and I never take our jobs for granted because Lord knows that is how we pay our bills. So we try very hard to make our paychecks stretch and save as much as we possibly can in our retirement accounts, our roth accounts, and our emergency savings. We sale what we are no longer using in the house and use that money to buy new stuff. We love to travel so we save up for it before we go. eBay and Craigslist are two of my favorite sites right now. :) People laugh at my eBay addiction but really it is my purging addiction that drives it. ha!

I have been reading up on CD Laddering and I think this will be the first system we try to put in place. Of course, that takes money to start so we will wait for our tax money to invest with this. But CD Laddering is a low-risk way to save money and earn good interest. But basically, you divide money into several different CDs with different maturities.

Amount Term Rate
$1000 6 months 2.75%
$1000 9 months 2.80%
$1000 12 months 3.10%

In six months (or whenever the first CD matures) when the first CD matures, you have earned that interest. At that point, you can take the cash you need out and reinvest the rest in another CD at 12 month maturity. This will keep the ladder going as the second CD matures at 9 months, etc.

I plan on doing this with tax money but will probably do a 6 month maturity and a 12 month maturity. Then reinvest all of the CD for another 12 months out. That way I can have CD maturing every 6 months and earning good interest in a low-risk method. The key is to find CD with good interest rate. I will check my credit union first but will check or yahoo finance for other options.


posted by Julie at 11:59 AM | 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
This Halloween was so much fun! Seth was REALLY into the idea this year...partly from school and partly from us pumping him up all month long. I believe Emmy fed off his excitement because she was giddy!!!

My cowboy and butterfly!

Emmy decided she needed a little liquid courage before heading out...
NOTE: The bottle was empty and that is Seth's hand pointing out to everyone
that "Emmy has daddy's coke."
Emmy fell as soon as Seth rang the doorbell...
hmm, maybe the bottle wasn't empty.
She gives us the evil eye after hearing our loud laughter....
The gentleman cowboy gives her back her pumpkin...sweet big brother
He even remembers to say Thank You as Emmy grabs the chocolate and runs
We talked a bit of strategy with Coach Richt
Love Emmy's costume hair as she eats her candy
Poor Bo is worn out from the constant doorbell ringing
posted by Julie at 1:38 PM | 4 comments