Friday, November 28, 2008
I hope everyone had a great holiday. We had a perfect Thanksgiving...everyone was on time and the wine flowed easily! Mom and Dad made a ton of this year's dishes. And we had 2 birds: a turkey and a turducken. I have to say I was skeptical but it was pretty good. It didn't look at all pretty when cut in half but the meat was good. I have taken some pics for everyone to see for themselves. We are so lucky to have both sides of our family here in town and able to come together for the holidays.

Today, Christian ventured out at 5am and bought the 22" TV for the living room. We LOVE it in there...and so do the kids. It has a built-in DVD so we don't have it hooked up to satellite yet but we can just pop in their DVD and viola! We also put up all the Christmas stuff today. Love this time of year!

The Turducken
These were only some of the dishes
Me & Sam
Dad & I - The prep crew
Me, Mom & Sam
The Guarnizo side...
The Thomas side...
Emmy puckers up for the camera
Sunil & Sarah
Abby & Emmy
Seth was out by 6:30pm on the couch!
posted by Julie at 7:12 PM |


At November 29, 2008 at 7:47 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
Yay, about time for a new post!! ha! Glad you guys had a great day and that you could have everyone together. Your food looks yummy!

At November 30, 2008 at 8:14 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Look how lovely and coordinated your food looks on your ::announcer voice:: brand new kitchen!

Looks like a fun time was had by all. You know it's a good holiday when someone passes out on the couch.

At December 3, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Blogger jms said........
I'm so jealous of the Turducken . . . not! I'm glad y'all enjoyed it though . . . poor Seth was just give out wasn't he = )