Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I haven't posted in a bit because there hasn't been much going on. We took the kids down to Louisville to see Mom Thomas this past weekend. She wasn't feeling wonderful since she had some minor surgery on her teeth last week. But she looked good! And yes, she still cooks great. Aunt Shirley was down there as well since it was the big annual Methodist Church Bazaar. So we got to visit with both them and of course, eat like only you can eat in Louisville!

The radio station I listen to in the mornings, Q100, is doing their annual Big Thank You project. The goal of the project is to get over a million messages written for the same number of troops we have serving the US by Thanksgiving. It doesn't take much time, literally under 5 seconds, to click on the link and complete a message. Please think of our troops who won't get to be with their families this holiday season!
posted by Julie at 9:59 AM |