Monday, March 31, 2008
Sometime over the weekend, Seth has learned how to appropriately use the phrase "I have food in my mouth." We have been trying to teach him that you shouldn't talk when you have food in your mouth. But interestingly enough, he has learned to use this against us. ha! Due to his typical 3 year old attention span, we usually have to prod him to keep eating during meals every so often. As I was telling him last night to eat some more dinner, he looks at us with a very matter-of-fact expression and says "No Mommy, I have food in my mouth." And sure enough he did have food in his mouth. ha ha ha!!!
posted by Julie at 9:28 AM | 2 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I think my family is giving the health care system a run for their money. Here are the updates.

My dad had his second knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. My mom said it went well. He is in pain and a bit sick feeling, but that is par for the course, I guess. Seth and I wanted to go see him yesterday but he was too tired.

Barbara is doing OK in the rehab facility. Unfortunately, she is in a semi-private room so that doesn't help but she is first on the waiting list for a private room. I know that will help her spirits a lot. Her leg is getting a bit better and she is able to use her walker a bit. But it will be awhile before she can get home. Seth and I made a visit is always good to see her. She's amazing at almost 90!

When Seth had his tear duct surgery at 18 months old, the doctor noticed a few things and wanted us to bring him back at 3. So he had a full eye exam yesterday, dilated eyes and all. The doctor said all looks pretty good. He didn't test as well as she hoped but she believes that is his age more than his eyesight. :) And he got some cool eyeglasses to take home!

Hopefully, that is all the medical stuff we have to deal with for awhile.
posted by Julie at 8:09 AM | 1 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
We made Easter extra special by having a cookout for Seth's birthday. Barbara was able to leave the rehab house for the day but since she still can't handle steps, we moved the cookout to my parent's house. It is always so much fun having everyone together. Seth loves having his 'peeps' around...he is in a special kind of mood on these days.

Doesn't Barbara look good?
posted by Julie at 7:32 AM | 3 comments
The Skuut bike is a hit! Seth wasn't as sure about the big red helmet. He didn't really want to wear it but if it meant he got to ride his bike, he was quick to keep it on.

Notice his yellow fireman boots! Loves 'em
How you doin'?
posted by Julie at 7:23 AM | 1 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Seth turned 3 today! I have no idea where those years have gone but he is so much fun. Christian and I decided to start a tradition of decorating their doors with streamers after they go to bed the night before their birthday...this way they wake up to GOOD TIMES!!! Here are a few pics but you can see more on our dropshots site.

After we finished his door decorations

Uncle Sam gave Seth vintage tractors

Cupcake Goatie

posted by Julie at 10:25 PM | 1 comments
I can't believe how quiet a dishwasher can be. I am so excited. I think this may be my favorite upgrade in the whole kitchen renovation right now. I hated our old almond-colored LOUD dishwasher. Glorious!!!

posted by Julie at 10:12 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Emmy couldn't stop giggling with Daddy kissing on her neck and cheek...

posted by Julie at 9:25 PM | 1 comments
So the counter tops came in today. A "3 hour job" lasted 6 hours. Thank goodness our Sears installation, originally scheduled for the afternoon, canceled on us as our counters would not have been done. As nervous as we were about the color of the counters against our cabinets, we are pleased. Now we are desperately needing the tile backsplash to be done but that will be another week or so. The plumber is here right now converting our electric stove to gas and installing all the appliances again. Here are the pics that everyone has asked us for...but again, this isn't what I would call an "after" shot yet.

posted by Julie at 9:09 PM | 3 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

posted by Julie at 8:17 PM | 0 comments
Our kitchen renovation will hit a climax tomorrow. Coincidentally, everything is falling on the same day. The granite counters are in and will be installed tomorrow morning. They have said it will take about 3-4 hours to tear out the existing counters and install the new ones. We have lined up a plumber to come tomorrow night to convert our electrical stove to a gas one that he will install as well as hook up our sink again. And Sears is bringing our new dishwasher tomorrow afternoon. I am sure tomorrow will be chaotic and long, but I can't wait to see what it all looks like.

We are doing this in stages though. The tile backsplash won't be done for another 2 weeks since Christian's friend is doing this for we have to wait for a day off in his calendar. The logistics of this is enough to make you go insane.

I will post before, during, and after pics as we go through the process.
posted by Julie at 8:59 AM | 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Since we had horrible storms all weekend across Atlanta, so Sunday's sunny weather was welcomed. Christian and I had a lot of errands to run as well as cleaning up the yard from the storm. But Seth kept reminding us that was the day to get ready for the Easter Bunny. Juju came over Sunday afternoon to help us dye eggs. It's amazing that I can still buy the same egg dye kit that I used as a kid - PAAS!

Seth designed his own eggs
Check out these beauties...

posted by Julie at 7:04 AM | 1 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
The highlight of our weekend happened on Saturday night. In the last few months, Seth's imagination has really come to new heights. He found 2 grease catchers from our old George Foreman Grill and uses them as "skates" in the kitchen; After watching Diego, he climbs on top of a sleeping Bo and pretends he is his 'caballo' (spanish for horse); and he loves to tell you all the various objects that food items look like - keep it g-rated folks: pringles can be bridges or caves.

So he picked up a Santito chip and said "Look a bomb." To us, it sounded like "bomb." So I said "Seth, I don't understand. What is it?" He was convinced of the word and said "bomb." This went back and forth a few times and I said "Can you show me? I am not sure what that is." And he sighed and said "Mommy. Old MacDonald had a bomb." He was saying "BARN!" ha ha! Yes, we know those aren't the right words for the song. But we bust into laughter that he felt like he had to use the word in a sentence so his dumb parents could understand. Ha Ha! Ah, so it begins and we love every minute of it.
posted by Julie at 9:00 AM | 1 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Emily and Bo were caught red-handed...trying to get past the baby gate.
"Come on Bo. Make yourself useful."
That look of innocence from Emily is negated by Bo's look of guilt

posted by Julie at 10:58 AM | 1 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Here are two video clips of the kids. Emily is feeding herself little tiny pieces of food now...she is getting more coordinated. And as you can see from the video, she is so happy that she claps with her hands and her feet. ha ha! The second video was taken at the Childrens Museum in Chattanooga. We went there for Ella's first birthday party. He loved the giant musical instruments! His hips just take over.

Clap Clap Clap

The Rhythm is Gonna Getcha
posted by Julie at 8:21 PM | 3 comments