Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So the counter tops came in today. A "3 hour job" lasted 6 hours. Thank goodness our Sears installation, originally scheduled for the afternoon, canceled on us as our counters would not have been done. As nervous as we were about the color of the counters against our cabinets, we are pleased. Now we are desperately needing the tile backsplash to be done but that will be another week or so. The plumber is here right now converting our electric stove to gas and installing all the appliances again. Here are the pics that everyone has asked us for...but again, this isn't what I would call an "after" shot yet.

posted by Julie at 9:09 PM |


At March 19, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Looking good so far!!

At March 19, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
You will be so glad you did this... and once the tile backsplash is complete! Voila!

At March 19, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Blogger jms said........
Oh, they're beautiful! Yes, I think the backsplash is going to be a must have = ) The "hole in the wall" look went out about 5 years ago = )