Thursday, March 27, 2008
I think my family is giving the health care system a run for their money. Here are the updates.

My dad had his second knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. My mom said it went well. He is in pain and a bit sick feeling, but that is par for the course, I guess. Seth and I wanted to go see him yesterday but he was too tired.

Barbara is doing OK in the rehab facility. Unfortunately, she is in a semi-private room so that doesn't help but she is first on the waiting list for a private room. I know that will help her spirits a lot. Her leg is getting a bit better and she is able to use her walker a bit. But it will be awhile before she can get home. Seth and I made a visit is always good to see her. She's amazing at almost 90!

When Seth had his tear duct surgery at 18 months old, the doctor noticed a few things and wanted us to bring him back at 3. So he had a full eye exam yesterday, dilated eyes and all. The doctor said all looks pretty good. He didn't test as well as she hoped but she believes that is his age more than his eyesight. :) And he got some cool eyeglasses to take home!

Hopefully, that is all the medical stuff we have to deal with for awhile.
posted by Julie at 8:09 AM |


At March 31, 2008 at 6:27 AM, Blogger Paula said........
It always seems to go in waves, doesn't it?