Monday, March 10, 2008
The highlight of our weekend happened on Saturday night. In the last few months, Seth's imagination has really come to new heights. He found 2 grease catchers from our old George Foreman Grill and uses them as "skates" in the kitchen; After watching Diego, he climbs on top of a sleeping Bo and pretends he is his 'caballo' (spanish for horse); and he loves to tell you all the various objects that food items look like - keep it g-rated folks: pringles can be bridges or caves.

So he picked up a Santito chip and said "Look a bomb." To us, it sounded like "bomb." So I said "Seth, I don't understand. What is it?" He was convinced of the word and said "bomb." This went back and forth a few times and I said "Can you show me? I am not sure what that is." And he sighed and said "Mommy. Old MacDonald had a bomb." He was saying "BARN!" ha ha! Yes, we know those aren't the right words for the song. But we bust into laughter that he felt like he had to use the word in a sentence so his dumb parents could understand. Ha Ha! Ah, so it begins and we love every minute of it.
posted by Julie at 9:00 AM |


At March 12, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Blogger Melissa said........
So he likes to skate does he? Now Mike and I have another roller skating buddy :)