Monday, June 7, 2010
We love minor league baseball. The games are so much more fun than the major league ones. Not to mention, it is a lot more easy to enjoy when you have two little ones in tow. Gwinnett Braves have the berm (aka Lawn) which is perfect when you have kids, bouncy moonwalks on the berm, free stuff, cheap parking, and everything is a close walk.

We had fun at the game yesterday with the Heidlers! I stole this picture off the Gwinnett Braves website which is offering to sell it but we all know I won't buy it... :)

posted by Julie at 7:05 AM | 1 comments
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Hell must have frozen over OR there are pigs flying high in the sky somewhere. By God, I have joined a gym! I have gained weight or just become flabby in the last 6 months thanks to a heavy work schedule that doesn't allow any time for the awesome gym at work....awesome FREE gym at work. I kept thinking that would lighten soon but never did, thus the flab. So, if I don't have time at work to hit the gym during lunch break, I need to take the time after work. Lucky for me, a gym near my house has a killer Kids Klub set up. So for $10 extra a month per kid...they can hang out and play. I thought that was good but then went for a tour and realized the Kids Klub is like a little camp where the college-aged girls do activities with them. The kids had a ball...and yet, turns out Seth and Emmy have friends in there from preschool. YEAH! So I have begun the working out phase...hopeful I can tone back up while summer is still around.
posted by Julie at 7:26 AM | 0 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Emmy has said for the last 6 months that she is 3 years old, even though she wasn't even 2 1/2. When I would try to correct her, she would say "I don't like two. I three, mommy!" So it is only fitting that she has transformed in so many ways from a baby to a big girl. In the last few months, she has become potty-trained overnight (much to our EXTREME excitement), no longer needed the baby monitor (as she just comes out of her room when she is ready), and now...we have taken down the bedrails. I was ready to do this months ago but Christian wanted to wait. So we waited. Then Florida came and she slept in a twin beds that we pushed together with Seth in the other. No bed rails, tile floor...nervous. So we just positioned the pillows as mini-guards and Viola, she did fantastic! So two weeks ago, I spent two hours with Seth's helpfulness disassembling the "easy portable rails" and put them on the listserv at work. They were gone within a week. Emmy is out of baby gear now!
Undie-wearin', double bed with no rails rockin', monitor-free Emmy!
posted by Julie at 9:00 AM | 3 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
Seth has finally graduated Preschool! I can't believe time has flown this quickly. He has been at this preschool for 4 years since he was 18 months old.

Seth on his first day of preschool...2006

Seth on the "walking line".
This took half the year for him to have the courage on walk on it.

Now, four years later, a happy confident boy is graduating. He was so proud of himself and so happy to see me, Christian, mom, and dad in the audience watching him!

Seth lining proud
All the preschool classes Seth waving to me and my parents
Seth with his teachers...he is beaming!

Seth seems like he aged a few years that day
posted by Julie at 8:00 AM | 3 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Seth had his vision, dental, hearing check for Kindergarten registration last month. He did not do so well on one of his eyes. This wasn't a huge surprise since the eye doctor told us when he was 18 months old that she thought he has astigmatism in his left eye but to "keep" watch for a few years, as we have. So Christian took him to the eye doc after Florida and had a whole dilation and exam experience. They said he is borderline right now on his left eye and thinks he may need glasses within a few years but so far, so good. So we dodged that bullet for now...In the meantime, more carrots for Seth.
posted by Julie at 8:00 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It has been awhile since I have blogged but the month of May was CRAZY! So I will be catching up here over the next week.

The first week in May, the whole Thomas family went to Ft Myers Beach for a week! There is not much else to say except heaven. The weather was perfect, the house was huge and amazing, the memories are irreplaceable. Here are some photos:

Emmy's first year swimming with the noodle

This will probably be our Christmas Card!

Love his dimple

Uncle Jack, Emmy, and I

posted by Julie at 3:41 PM | 3 comments