Saturday, June 5, 2010
Emmy has said for the last 6 months that she is 3 years old, even though she wasn't even 2 1/2. When I would try to correct her, she would say "I don't like two. I three, mommy!" So it is only fitting that she has transformed in so many ways from a baby to a big girl. In the last few months, she has become potty-trained overnight (much to our EXTREME excitement), no longer needed the baby monitor (as she just comes out of her room when she is ready), and now...we have taken down the bedrails. I was ready to do this months ago but Christian wanted to wait. So we waited. Then Florida came and she slept in a twin beds that we pushed together with Seth in the other. No bed rails, tile floor...nervous. So we just positioned the pillows as mini-guards and Viola, she did fantastic! So two weeks ago, I spent two hours with Seth's helpfulness disassembling the "easy portable rails" and put them on the listserv at work. They were gone within a week. Emmy is out of baby gear now!
Undie-wearin', double bed with no rails rockin', monitor-free Emmy!
posted by Julie at 9:00 AM |


At June 6, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Blogger jms said........
Yay for Emmy . . . but, did you not think of Jessica when selling the rails that we are now needing to purchase for our 2 1/2 year old?!?!?!?!?

At June 6, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
I have another set in Seth's room that we could sell ya. Not sure if we are ready to get rid of those yet. He wants us to cause Emmy has hers off. But he has a twin bed that is a bit taller. And mostly because we sometimes have other little bits sleep in there and it is good to keep his rails. Hmm, so not sure we are going to sell those after all. I'll let you know!
I have a great baby gate to sell though. Pressure-mounted with extensions to make it wider and the gate has a center-gate so you never have to move it. It was perfect for the bottom of our stairs!

At June 7, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yay for Emily on getting nighttime potty trained! I know you were ready for that!