Friday, June 4, 2010
Seth has finally graduated Preschool! I can't believe time has flown this quickly. He has been at this preschool for 4 years since he was 18 months old.

Seth on his first day of preschool...2006

Seth on the "walking line".
This took half the year for him to have the courage on walk on it.

Now, four years later, a happy confident boy is graduating. He was so proud of himself and so happy to see me, Christian, mom, and dad in the audience watching him!

Seth lining proud
All the preschool classes Seth waving to me and my parents
Seth with his teachers...he is beaming!

Seth seems like he aged a few years that day
posted by Julie at 8:00 AM |


At June 4, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Aww, Seth, we are so proud of you and love you!
Aunt Marissa, Uncle Ashley, and Ella

At June 4, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Blogger jms said........
I can't believe how much he's grown!! When you put the pictures side by side you can see the little man he's becoming ☻ Time flies doesn't it? Congratulations Seth! Now on to Big Boy School!

I love the picture of the two of them at the end. That one must be framed!

At June 4, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Blogger Julie said........
Yep, that is a favorite for me! I cannot believe I FINALLY got a good picture of both of them at once and with good lighting. :)