Monday, July 27, 2009
We had a jammed packed weekend of friends and family. We are so blessed to have such old, not old in age but friends that have been a part of our lives for most of our lives. Yesterday, we were able to get together with two families that grew up with Christian. Realistically, they were a part of extended family his whole life so I consider them his family, his cousins. We don't see them nearly enough and they only lives a few miles from us. We are so hoping we can see them more often. Just love that feeling of picking up where you left off no matter when you see them. I didn't even think of bringing a camera to take pictures.

However, I will post some pictures of my family from Saturday afternoon at my grandmother's house. We were able to get together with the Coskerys and have all 6 of the cousin's kids playing. So much fun.

Now here is another thing that has come from our weekend. My latest venture is candy machines. Not for my house! Lord knows, if you know me, you know I am a candy-fiend. So why not turn that into profit? We bought a 3-piece candy machine and will find a business in Snellville to place it for profit. Any ideas for me?
posted by Julie at 7:39 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Most of you know Seth's history with head injuries. He seems to always fall and land head first. I am not sure why he is so top-heavy but luckily he hasn't had any major hospital-worthy injuries. But today he had yet another fall. It happened at preschool's water day. He was running around the playground and landed face first on the sidewalk. My boy is nothing if not consistent and ungraceful. hee hee. I thought I would post a pic of his fresh injuries. When he came home and showed me his face, he even graced me with a re-enactment of his running and fall. ha!

About 2 weeks ago, we had another funny Seth story. We always put Emmy to bed around 8 and Seth goes down around 8:30. If Christian and I are both home at night, we usually run to the computers after they go down and do a quick email check before heading downstairs. So this particular night we were on our computers for about an hour and then decided to head downstairs to watch a movie. This is what we found walking out of our bedroom into the hallway by the steps:

So we turned the light on and pushed our door back to discover this:

We aren't sure what is more funny....The fact that he snuck into our room and hid behind a door to fall asleep? Or the fact that he changed into winter PJs and slippers during 90 degree heat? ha!
posted by Julie at 1:30 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
First, I wanted to mention a few prayers requests. My grandmother, Mom Thomas, is still having a hard time lately. My dad has been down in Louisville a lot organizing her finances and hiring nurses to help her on a daily basis. I took the kids down to see her on Wednesday of last week and she perked up to see us. She had come out of her fog a bit that day and was funny. Also, her sister, Aunt Grace, developed a blood infection and they do not expect her to make it...That being said, she is still surviving and putting up a good fight. And since it always happens in other grandmother, Barbara, fell Saturday (again) but luckily she just had some bruising and is sore.

On to more fun topics. We headed to Melissa's mountain house in Buck Creek, NC for the July 4th weekend. We LOVE going up there because the weather is so nice and it is super relaxing and fun. We met Mike and Melissa as well as Patrick and Kathryn, and their great dane, Cooper, up there. We did some horseback riding on Friday, hiking on Saturday, fireworks Saturday night, and a bit of fishing Sunday.

Meet Cooper

Emmy thinks she gets to drive
Patrick seems a bit nervous with that sparkler in Seth's control
Seth, Cooper, and Kathryn
Uncle Mike, Aunt Melissa, and Emmy

Camped out for the fireworks

Emmy has the best view...7 feet high

posted by Julie at 1:23 PM | 2 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
We have had a few weeks in between postings. Sorry...things have been very hectic!

Emily turned 2 on June 29. We had a backyard water party for her which she absolutely loved! She had a few friends come over and play and she was ecstatic with it. She didn't, however, like all the attention on her when we sang her happy birthday. She closed her eyes as though we couldn't see her anymore.

Brody was in love with the sprinkler
Ella & Matthew

We have no idea why Emmy is crying here
And neither did her friends...

Look how cute Ella is!
My little one posing
Her outfit was so fitting! Thanks Marissa for the adorable top
posted by Julie at 8:41 PM | 2 comments