Wednesday, July 8, 2009
First, I wanted to mention a few prayers requests. My grandmother, Mom Thomas, is still having a hard time lately. My dad has been down in Louisville a lot organizing her finances and hiring nurses to help her on a daily basis. I took the kids down to see her on Wednesday of last week and she perked up to see us. She had come out of her fog a bit that day and was funny. Also, her sister, Aunt Grace, developed a blood infection and they do not expect her to make it...That being said, she is still surviving and putting up a good fight. And since it always happens in other grandmother, Barbara, fell Saturday (again) but luckily she just had some bruising and is sore.

On to more fun topics. We headed to Melissa's mountain house in Buck Creek, NC for the July 4th weekend. We LOVE going up there because the weather is so nice and it is super relaxing and fun. We met Mike and Melissa as well as Patrick and Kathryn, and their great dane, Cooper, up there. We did some horseback riding on Friday, hiking on Saturday, fireworks Saturday night, and a bit of fishing Sunday.

Meet Cooper

Emmy thinks she gets to drive
Patrick seems a bit nervous with that sparkler in Seth's control
Seth, Cooper, and Kathryn
Uncle Mike, Aunt Melissa, and Emmy

Camped out for the fireworks

Emmy has the best view...7 feet high

posted by Julie at 1:23 PM |


At July 8, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Blogger jms said........
You did not need Blaze, you could have just ridden on Cooper = ) He's huge! Where are the leaches and snakes?

At July 10, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Blogger jms said........