Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Most of you know Seth's history with head injuries. He seems to always fall and land head first. I am not sure why he is so top-heavy but luckily he hasn't had any major hospital-worthy injuries. But today he had yet another fall. It happened at preschool's water day. He was running around the playground and landed face first on the sidewalk. My boy is nothing if not consistent and ungraceful. hee hee. I thought I would post a pic of his fresh injuries. When he came home and showed me his face, he even graced me with a re-enactment of his running and fall. ha!

About 2 weeks ago, we had another funny Seth story. We always put Emmy to bed around 8 and Seth goes down around 8:30. If Christian and I are both home at night, we usually run to the computers after they go down and do a quick email check before heading downstairs. So this particular night we were on our computers for about an hour and then decided to head downstairs to watch a movie. This is what we found walking out of our bedroom into the hallway by the steps:

So we turned the light on and pushed our door back to discover this:

We aren't sure what is more funny....The fact that he snuck into our room and hid behind a door to fall asleep? Or the fact that he changed into winter PJs and slippers during 90 degree heat? ha!
posted by Julie at 1:30 PM |


At July 22, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
He changed pjs? Too funny! And then sneaking behind the door! That is great! I'm sure you guys were cracking up.

As for his head... how sad! :( I know it breaks your heart! He seems to be in good spirits, though! Amazing how resilient little ones are.

At August 24, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
OMG... I am just reading this! Too funny! Good laugh before heading off to bed... not about the head injury but about the sneaking behind the door and changing into winter pj's!!!!