Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Marissa, Ashley, and Ella came in town this weekend so we could all go to Snow Mountain. Yes, it is freezing outside but nothing that a few thermals can't fix. My parents kept Emmy in the warmth of their home while we braved (that's my word for it) the cold and played in the snow at Stone Mountain.

Ashley & Ella
Seth has that devilish look...as Uncle Ashley found out
I was the human sled

My boys
Do we look frozen to you?
I know that zombie look on Seth's face says it all

We actually got all the kids looking forward. :)
Marissa & I....We remembered to take a pic, finally!

On another note from this weekend. We are thankful that Angela is OK after she fell through her attic into her bedroom. I'm amazed she didn't break any bones...shows her strength.
posted by Julie at 7:09 PM | 4 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I saw this on my friend, Paula's, website and took the test myself. Some of the questions are a bit hard because I didn't feel one over the other but for the most part, this describes me!

Here is a more detailed description of my results:

Good-natured Realists are warm-hearted, helpful personalities. They do their work conscientiously and have a pronounced organising talent. They often feel they are committed to traditional values. The family in particular is extremely important to Good-natured Realists. Their greatest pleasure is making themselves useful and taking care of other people. But they do not like pushing themselves to the fore; they prefer to fulfil their tasks out of the limelight. Good-natured Realists are real workaholics; they are very reliable and nothing is too much for them when it is a question of completing a project. Thoroughness, conscientiousness and sense of duty are their strongest points. They prefer established and familiar situations to new and unknown situations.

In dealing with others, Good-natured Realists are considerate and obliging; they are always happy to put aside their own requirements in the interest of their family and friends. Their home is mostly very well cared-for, cosy and tidy. Their perfectionism on the one hand and their aversion to delegating tasks on the other hand often lead to them taking on too much both professionally and privately. They cannot stand discord; conflicts make them very unhappy. One could almost describe them as being harmony-addicted - and this sometimes leads them to strongly neglecting themselves and their own wishes because they are unable to bring themselves to put up a fight.

Good-natured Realists dream of a stable and trusting relationship for life. Marriage and family are very important to them. They take care of their partner attentively and lovingly and put up with a lot for a harmonious relationship. They are also loyal and reliable friends. However, they can be very hurt if their interpersonal commitment is taken for granted for too long.
posted by Julie at 9:20 AM | 3 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Emmy had a high fever on Thursday afternoon but NO other symptoms of any kind. So I gave her a cool bath, Motrin, juice....bam. She's fine. Friday evening she had a low-grade fever but didn't seem to mind. Then Saturday morning, she woke up with another low-grade fever. So I took her to the doctor who proceeded to run test after test much to Emmy's dismay. They found nothing. She has no cold (duh, no symptoms again), her ears were great, chest was great, they ran a strep and nothing. I suggested a urinary tract infection so the doc told me those symptoms....um, nope. So we declined that fun procedure to test for UTI. I left feeling good she seemed healthy but still questioning the fevers. Yesterday, she woke up totally fine and giggling. She was herself again. So my theory? The fevers were fighting something off...her immune system kicks its a$$. hee hee! Sounds good, right?

Also, Emmy's latest trick is to hug Seth. She loves her Seth and he asks her for hugs probably as much as I do. She gladly gives them away to him and squeezes her hands around his back. Then when she's done? She pushes him away and goes on playing. ha ha! I am going to try to get a pic of her hugging him on this blog soon. She has started to calling him by name now but it comes out "death" instead of Seth. ha!
posted by Julie at 11:41 AM | 3 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Emily had her 18 month checkup on Friday. The office was packed so we waited for an hour...LOVELY! She weighs almost 26 lbs already. While she had slowed a bit for the 15 month appt, we were told she hit a growth spurt again. She is in the 95% for height (we have no idea where that comes from...Tio Sunil maybe?) and is about 75% for weight, although lifting her sometimes feels like more. Everything else checked out great...her vocabulary, milestones, etc.

Then it was time for two shots. I guess she has caught on to what laying on the doctor table above the loud, crumbling paper means. It was hell breaking loose this time. She immediately started pushing my hands away and screaming. I told the nurse that she is very strong and to be prepared to go quickly. Apparently, she didn't want to take my word for it. Emily grabbed her hand and pushed the needle away before the nurse was ready. Thankfully, the needle wasn't in her leg yet as she has done that before and created a big scrape on her leg. The nurse did take her a bit more seriously at that point. I felt so bad because Emmy was looking at me saying "Mommy. Mommy." So sad. But all's well and we went for mexican afterwards...doesn't that make it all better?
posted by Julie at 7:45 AM | 6 comments