Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Emily had her 18 month checkup on Friday. The office was packed so we waited for an hour...LOVELY! She weighs almost 26 lbs already. While she had slowed a bit for the 15 month appt, we were told she hit a growth spurt again. She is in the 95% for height (we have no idea where that comes from...Tio Sunil maybe?) and is about 75% for weight, although lifting her sometimes feels like more. Everything else checked out great...her vocabulary, milestones, etc.

Then it was time for two shots. I guess she has caught on to what laying on the doctor table above the loud, crumbling paper means. It was hell breaking loose this time. She immediately started pushing my hands away and screaming. I told the nurse that she is very strong and to be prepared to go quickly. Apparently, she didn't want to take my word for it. Emily grabbed her hand and pushed the needle away before the nurse was ready. Thankfully, the needle wasn't in her leg yet as she has done that before and created a big scrape on her leg. The nurse did take her a bit more seriously at that point. I felt so bad because Emmy was looking at me saying "Mommy. Mommy." So sad. But all's well and we went for mexican afterwards...doesn't that make it all better?
posted by Julie at 7:45 AM |


At January 6, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Blogger jms said........
Cheese dip makes it all better = ) Hold the Jalapenos!

At January 6, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Yay, a new update! Ella got one of those huge scrapes once, and Mommy was not happy!

At January 7, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Blogger Paula said........
::sigh:: Nurses have no idea how to teach good holding technique! (Drives me crazy as an ex-immunization program manager.)


You can also hold them hugging against you if they're real squirmers.

At January 7, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
We know all about those hold techniques! She weighs about the same as Garrett... I will be curious to see where he is for his 2 yr visit in March.

At January 8, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Blogger jms said........
Do I just have some kind of hause baby!? Hayden weighs a little over 27 pounds and he's only 11 months!

At January 8, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Blogger Julie said........
It sounds like Hayden and Brody could compete. hee hee. Doesn't matter as they are both little model babies. ha ha