Monday, January 12, 2009
Emmy had a high fever on Thursday afternoon but NO other symptoms of any kind. So I gave her a cool bath, Motrin, juice....bam. She's fine. Friday evening she had a low-grade fever but didn't seem to mind. Then Saturday morning, she woke up with another low-grade fever. So I took her to the doctor who proceeded to run test after test much to Emmy's dismay. They found nothing. She has no cold (duh, no symptoms again), her ears were great, chest was great, they ran a strep and nothing. I suggested a urinary tract infection so the doc told me those, nope. So we declined that fun procedure to test for UTI. I left feeling good she seemed healthy but still questioning the fevers. Yesterday, she woke up totally fine and giggling. She was herself again. So my theory? The fevers were fighting something off...her immune system kicks its a$$. hee hee! Sounds good, right?

Also, Emmy's latest trick is to hug Seth. She loves her Seth and he asks her for hugs probably as much as I do. She gladly gives them away to him and squeezes her hands around his back. Then when she's done? She pushes him away and goes on playing. ha ha! I am going to try to get a pic of her hugging him on this blog soon. She has started to calling him by name now but it comes out "death" instead of Seth. ha!
posted by Julie at 11:41 AM |


At January 12, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
That has happened to us several times... Garrett gets a fever with no other symptoms... Take him to the Doctor and nothing seems to be wrong. Glad to hear that she is being herself... thats what really matters!

At January 12, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
There is also a "fever virus" going around, apparently. Kids getting a fever with no other symptoms! Glad she's back to herself!!

At January 13, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Blogger Paula said........
The joys of kids and fevers.

If only we lived in the Star Trek universe where they could tell you in an instant. :)